Chapter 13

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- Lauren's

Today's the grand opening of Camila's hotel and I'm here in her room watching her applying make up. She doesn't even need it, she looks perfect even without it.

"Hey, I'm gonna change now. Are you okay?" She poked my sides and just smiled at her.

"Sure, take your time pretty lady."

- Camila's

I'm in my walk-in closet right now and I just stared at the gown my dad has ordered for me. It was a black dress. Well, I love it, I love my dad's fashion sense.

I put on the dress and everything else and start to curl my hair.. I didn't have time to hire my make up artist in this special event because I wanted to look simple.. simple in Lauren's eyes.

I looked up myself in the mirror and wow I did a great job in looking myself beautiful.

After finishing up, I went back to my room and saw a girl in a tight black dress and her curls were falling perfectly. I cleared my throat and she turned her back and her eyes were trailing up and down my body and I did the same to her.

"Wow Camz. looks so.. wow" i blushed and smiled "You too, Jauregui. Wow is all I can say" and now its her time to blush.

We went out and I asked Lauren to take a photo of me. Which she gladly took.

📍Piazza De Sofia Opening another chapter in my life

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📍Piazza De Sofia
Opening another chapter in my life. Cheers for mi piazza! 🥂

"Come on, it'll start soon" I grabbed her hand and walked hand in hand. By the time, we reached the grand ball room. The guests were everywhere, wearing gowns and suits.

"Hey, Karla! I'm so excited to perform tonight and this guy's Tyrone.. my date." I looked up at the guy and I was shocked to see Lauren's boyfriend beside Halsey.

"Camilaaaa, Sofi's been looking fo— Ty? What are you doing here?"

- Lauren's

I saw Ty and Ashley. In front of Camila, I didn't know Camila have invited Ty here but she hadn't mentioned anything about him coming.

"Hey baby love! Surprise?" He says and I just rolled my eyes and asked him why he's here and told me he wanted to surprise me and stuff but I really don't care.

Camila on the other hand was holding a tight grip on my hand which I noticed directly and I pull her to the side to ask her what's wrong.

"He came here because he's Halsey's date, Lauren" I can see anger in her eyes and I was shocked to hear this. Ty was cheating on me all this time? "Okay Camz, chill out okay? I'm gonna talk to him about this right now. Okay?" I kissed her cheeks and smiled weakly and I went over to Ty.

"Ty, we need to talk."

"What is it babe?" She smiled at me and tried to kiss me.

"Don't babe me. We're over now." I say and he was still processing what I have said and he scratched his head while thinking what to say.

"I'll go back to New York in 8 days and we'll talk everything about it. My things, I'm gonna get it."

"Is it because of her?" I saw anger in his eyes. "Camila? Nope. It's because of you Ty. You're too worked up when it comes to me but look, you're on a date with Ashley." I fake laughed and left him.

After Halsey's performance Ty and her left. In a flash and they say that there was an emergency in New York and they need to get back as soon as possible. I just laugh at their lame excuses.

I have drank a couple of glasses of wine now and my body felt hot. Camila was nowhere to be seen and I'm stuck here in the table with the members of The Vamps.

"So, Lauren. What can you say about Brad?"

"Well, he's cute but baby you're mistaken I'm not into bacon." I laughed and winked at him and they all burst out of laughter and we kept talking and talking and talking until Camila went on stage.

"Hello, my dear guest. Welcome again! Before this party turns into another level, I would like to sing a song.." Is she really serious right now?

"A song for someone.. someone who got my heart the first time is saw her. She have this gorgeous eyes, and has the most beaming smile. Finally, I've got a chance now.." Camila was just staring straight at me, smiling. My heart's starting to melt. I've never felt anything like this before.

"I'm singing this song with my friend Bazzi. Come up here, buddy" and a guy with a brown curly hair went up with a smile. I haven't noticed that Camila has changed her outfit.

"Here goes nothing..."

Hey, beautiful beautiful beautiful angel
Love you imperfections, every angle
Tomorrow come and goes before you know
Now I just start to let you know

Bazzi's voice was really soothing and clear and the lyrics? Well, it was amazing.

Oh my God, where did the time goes?
I wish the hours would go slow, How is it 6AM?
Your touch is heaven sent
Beautiful, beautiful sight right now
Beautiful, beautiful life right now
Got the angels sing ohh ahh right now
Oh you are,
And this is why we got to touch
Sometimes words are not enough
Painted in your golden kiss,
honey dripping from your lips
I thank God and my lucky stars,
Darling, I don't know what you are
Oh baby you are...

Camila, Camila was the most perfect human being. I have never met someone so perfect. Her voice, was amazing.. I felt every word, her emotions, her everything. I love it, I think I love her. She was closest to an angel, she was an angel on Earth. She was my angel.

After singing I directly went over to Camila and hugged her really tight..

"Huh? What are you doing?" She asked acting confused. Well, I am confused by her actions.

"The song.. Camz, was it—oh" It wasn't for me. I should've known. I was expecting. I felt bad for myself. I turned my back and was about to run away but I felt someone held my wrist.

"Just kidding! I like you, Lauren." She smiled and my tears are trying to escape from my eyes.

"I like you too, Camz. So much" This is it. I'm leaning in and I pressed my lips on her.

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