Chapter 7

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- Lauren's

This is my 7th day here in Piazza de Cabello.

Yesterday, Camila was very busy. She was like the jack-of-all-trades. In the morning I saw her in Breakfast Alley, ordering something from the staff then later on I found her on the Shopping Area, still walking around with an iPad in her hand and she looks really stressful, then I saw her in My Time Dining in which she was talking to the chefs and Lastly, I saw her at Avalanche drinking a glass of whiskey.. almost whining. I'm starting to think if Camila really is a bartender or was she more than that? I better ask her.

Today, we have planned to play bowling. This hotel was extraordinary because everything you need is in here, you don't have to go out just to play bowling or to shop or to do anything.. Everything's basically here.

I looked at the time and it was exactly 8:00 AM, Camila and I planned to meet up at the lobby at 8:10 AM. I went to the lobby and seated at the very comfortable sofa I've ever sat on. Then, I saw Camila coming out from the door.. a restricted door I must say, even employees aren't allowed to go in there. It was secured by a code and surely Camila knew the code.

"Woah, wait. Are you really sure that you're a bartender? I saw you come out that door and that door is something grand.. and I know it's not for employees."

She just laughed and rolled her eyes.

"I live here, Lo and that's the only way to go home." She smiled and turned her back on me. I followed her as she clicked the elevator button.. I can't help but check her out, she's wearing a sweat pants and a sweat crop top hoodie, she's also wearing a glasses. I didn't know she had one.

We were patiently waiting when we heard a scream..


- Camila's

I didn't know how to answer Lauren when she caught me going out from the golden door. It's the only way to my flat, I live on the basement.. not the ugly type of basement, not to mention that I hired the best interior designer just to achieve my dream home.

I was planning a lot of things in my head to do this day. I was so tired out yesterday, Dinah hasn't showed up yesterday and Dinah not being here is a big problem.


I heard Sofi's voice echoing in the whole first floor. Wait... WHAT?!

"Sofi! What are you doing here??"

What the hell is she doing here? I wasn't expecting them to be here today.

"Karla! Is that how you greet your little sister?" Mom said.


- Lauren's

Karla.... Mom... Karla......

What?! Is Camila, Karla?!

"Wait, wait, wait. Who's Karla?" I am really confused right now, my mind's gonna blow.

"This girl, right here is Karla. Didn't you know?" The older woman said.

"And I am Sofi, Sofia Cabello!" The little girl said.

"CABELLO?! SO...."

"Karla, why didn't you introduce yourself properly to your friend.. by the way, I am Sinu, Sinuhe Cabello and this girl right here is Karla Camila Cabello-Estrabajo."

"So.. you're the owner of—"

"This place? No dear, my daughter owns this place. Camila owns this place.." she smiled at me and my minds still in the process of understanding everything.

Why didn't she tell me?

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