Chapter 34

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- Camila's

10 months later and I still haven't seen my Lauren. I was staying in Miami for 2 months now and I haven't seen her soul anywhere. I'm in the beach side again, looking for a familiar view of the terrace she once posted on Instagram.

I never got an explanation from Lauren on whatever happened that night but I was sure something that involves cheating had happened. I just want to hear her explanation and see her and hug her and maybe kiss her. I miss her so much.

From: Ariana Grande

Where are you?

Miss you Mils. Can't wait to see you.

Take care x

Ariana was one of the greatest, she was always there for me wherever I go she goes with me unless she has a tour or a recording to come to.

I am so happy to have her with me especially in times like this, I needed support and there she is. She keeps on giving me advances and I knew she still liked me and I like her but not as much as I like and love Lauren.

I am now in a grocery store to buy some salad and water to continue my journey in finding the love of my life. I heard my phone rang and I answered it directly..


"Hey Mils! Its break time so I decided to call you.. where are you?"

"Hey Ariana, I'm in the store right now to buy something.."

"That's cool. Where are you going next tho?"

"To the beach.. to chill? Or anything.."

I haven't told Ariana that I would be looking for Lauren here in the beach side again. She thought that I was just on a vacation with my family which is a fact but of course I am also looking forward on seeing Lauren around here.

"Oh that's cool. Hey, gotta go. I love you!"

"Love you too." I smiled and ended the call by the time I looked up I saw a pair of emerald eyes and i got lost in them immediately.

"Lauren?" I say in shocked and she just gave me  not-so-sure smile and I ran unto her and hugged her as tight as I could.

- Lauren's

I was grocery shopping right now because I've been craving some stuff when I heard a familiar voice..

"Hey Ariana, I'm in the store right now to buy something.."

That is Camila's voice. That's for sure. Even if I haven't heard it in a very long time. I am certain that it's Camila's voice.

I looked unto the other side of the isle and saw the brunette girl, looking down staring at her salad in her cart. She was smiling, I missed that smile.

"Love you too."

And that's how my heart got extra broken. She had moved on, Ariana and her got back together, obviously. By the time she looked up, she still looks the same. No, she's much more beautiful right now. Her eyes were darker and so is her hair.

I was startled when she ran unto me and hugged me real tight. I felt butterflies in my stomach, I missed this feeling. I love this girl, so much.

She removed her hand from my neck and stared at me. I gave a smile and she did the same.

"Lauren, how are you? I miss you. Where have you been?"

I've been around

"Just here and there. I'm good, too. How about you?"

"I've been around.. too."

This conversation's getting awkward.

"You wanna go to my place and you know? Catch up?"

"Sounds perfect. Come on!"

Wow she's more excited than I am. I payed for the things I got and she did the same for her salad and water.

- Camila's

Lauren invited me to her place and who I am to reject her offer? I miss her and I'm gonna get her back. I love her so much and I'm not willing to throw our relationship just like that.

On our way to her place she only played Paramore's album and this song somehow caught my attention..

Maybe I know, somewhere
Deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways
To make it alone
But keep a straight face

And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable, distance
And up until now
I had sworn to myself that I'm content
With loneliness
Because none of it was ever worth the risk
But, you are, the only exception

You are, the only exception
You are, the only exception
You are, the only exception

It was my first time to feel a love like this and I can say Lauren is the only exception in my life and I'm willing to take all the risk in the world just to get her back.

We reached an all-glass beach house, I've seen a lot of beach house around here and somewhere else in the world but this one's really a good one.

"Welcome to my hideout" she said without a tone.

Lauren had change, her bags under her eyes were darker, her hair looks drier and wavier, her eyes were light, her lips were chapped and she smells like cigarette.

She opened the door for me and she placed her groceries in the counter.

"What do you want to eat Camila?"


"Anything will do Lo.." I smiled at her

"Okay then, Is it okay if I leave you here for a while?"

"Where are you going?"

"Just at my room.. to do something.."

I nodded and I sat on the sofa watching Pretty Little Liars when Lauren went back to the kitchen and the strong smell of cigarette has invaded my nose.


She didn't look at me.

"Lauren. Look at me."

She still didn't turn her back so I forcedly made her look at me and her eyes were glistening, it's like tears are about to drop anytime. I am hurt, just seeing her like this breaks my heart.

"Cry it out.. it's okay.."

Then her tears were brimming in her eyes. She sobs really hard and I can't help but also cry. This night's gonna be a long night.

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