Chapter 31

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- Lauren's

We've been here for a couple of hours now and I can't wait to tear Camila's clothes off her. We are starting to get bored and we were just chatting and talking about these celebrities around us.

"You know lot of these people have visited my hotel.." I nodded in agreement

"I'm so proud of you, you are young but look you are successful as hell.. you own a hotel, 2 hotels plus wow look at you"

She blushed as I complimented her and I can't help but stare in awe. We were talking and talking when we heard someone cleared their throat, I looked up and saw Ariana in front of us..

"What do you want Ariana?" Camila asked rolling her eyes.

"Nothing.. I just came here to say sorry to your girlfriend for giving a stunt like that.. and to you, for kissing you.. I didn't mean it really. I just missed you but you're happy now I can see that. I'm sorry for trying to ruin what you guys have.."

I can see sincerity in her voice.. but here eyes speaks otherwise. I'm not convinced that she's serious but at least she apologize.

"It's fine. Friends?"

"Lo.. you don't ha—"

"It's fine babe.. let's all be friends" I smiled at her and she was hesitant at first but nodded.

We all talked and so far Ariana has been a great company, the ball was almost ending and Jonas called me so I came near him.

"Didn't thought a guy like you would be invited to a ball like this.." I laughed and he did the same.

"Sorry to ruin your night by my presence Jauregui but I want you to meet someone.."

"Lucy.. come"

Lucy.. Lucy.. Lucy.. the named sounds so familiar but I can't remember where I heard that name.

"Lauren, meet Lucy Vives. She's a new model of Blazed."

"Jaguar? Is that you? Oh my God!"

She hugged me and I was quite shocked. I didn't have any clue who this girl was.

"Uhmm sorry, but who are you?"

"We met at Alexa's! Remember we danced all night long?" She smiled widely.

"You are the girl on the video?!"

She nodded and my face turned into tomato. I don't remember her at all but I was ashamed of my actions that night, I have never been that drunk before.

"Sorry, I was really drunk that night and.. stuff"

"No worries! Here, let's cheers it up?" She gave me a glass which happens to have a pink liquid inside with some slices of fruits. I looks really good but of course no one can beat Camila's Quidditch but I wouldn't also say no to a drink.

"Sure! To new friendship?" She raise her glass up and I did the same. We smile to each other widely.

"To new friendship."

She smirked at me and I took the drink in one gulp and that was all I remember that night.

Sorry, but I'm taken (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now