Chapter 25

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- Camila's

I decided that I'm gonna stay with Lauren for a week and I'm so excited for NY adventures.

"Babe, are you really sure that you're coming with me in this shoot?" Lauren asked me for the twentieth time "Yes, why not? I wanna see how you work.." I gave her my sweetest smile and she gave a kiss.

After 20 minutes drive we enter the studio quickly and Tara hugged Lauren in an instant. She then averted her attention to me with her eyebrows raised. Oh no

"So, you're the girl who keeps Lauren busy.."

"Tara, go away stop scaring my little girl.. shoo" I thank God, for this beautiful girl.

I was in Lauren's dressing room and I was just looking at my girl getting ready, she's just sitting there drinking her cup of coffee. Luckily I brought my camera with me because times like this are going to be treasured in my mind and in my heart forever.

👤 : Camila Cabello

🗣CC: I'm never tired looking at this emerald beauty

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🗣CC: I'm never tired looking at this emerald beauty. We're ready to burst some camera! Pre-order yours now! ❤️ -with: Lauren Jauregui

- Lauren's

It's been an hour since we started shooting, Camila was just looking at me, admiring me. She was really, really cute she was cheering me from afar with a goofy face and I can't help but fall for her more and more.

Finally! It's break time and Camila and I are in my dressing room.. cuddling in the sofa.

"You know what? I wanna try something new.."

"What is it, Camz?"

"Oh nothing.. just a silly idea that involves me, my lovely camera and my lovely girlfriend.." the she winked at me and surely my face was flustered then she stood up and I grabbed her and let her sit on my lap.

"I really missed you babe.." I hug her tight and smelled her neck. She smells really good, I am addicted to her smell.

"Me too.." she then faced me and play with my hair and I can't help but moan.. It feels really good and Camila being an ass continued playing with my hair and I just shut my eyes. She almost fell off my lap when we heard someone knocked on my door.

"Oh my God! Sorry guys! Bu-but catering's don-e! Bye!" and saw a tomato-faced Tara and left as soon as she delivered the news. We got up and went directly to catering. I admire how Camila eat a lot but stay in shape, her abs were perfectly toned, and she's really sexy and beautiful.

I didn't eat too much knowing that Jonas' going to kill me if I ate too much. I really wonder why I didn't kick this guy off my team, I mean he was really annoying and really a bossy and I'm not that type of person who likes to be bossed around.

"Okay guys! That's a wrap! Very good, Lauren!" Zayn, the photographer said. Finally, one more shoot and I'm done for this magazine. I was smiling at him and I wasn't really expecting that Zayn would hug me.. a tight one and I feel quite uncomfortable. He hugged me for a long time until we heard an awkward cough coming from.. of course who else would it be?

"Oh God, sorry Camila." He said.

"Yeah, it's fine. I'll wait for you on your room" I heard jealousy from her voice and I can't help but glare at Zayn who was still smiling at me from ear to ear.

"So, see you later?" Zayn said. I forgot to tell Camila that we'll be going to a party later for the launching party later " Yeah, guess so. Gonna get going. Bye" I told him and I went directly to my dressing room and saw a not so happy Camila sitting on the sofa. I went to her and hug her but she wasn't appreciating my presence.

"Hey, baby.. baaaaby Camziiiii" I kissed her but she still didn't look at me. So, I tickled her and she was laughing real hard. I then, kissed her in the lips, softly and it took her some time to kiss me back. We were now kissing but stopped when we catch our breath.

"Don't be jealous with him, okay? My eyes and heart are yours. You are mine and I am yours" She then gave me a smile, a sweet smile that I was dreading to see all day.

"Fine, fine. Are we leaving now?"

"Uh-uhm about that.."


"The launching party is tonight and we need to be there" Her eyes widened and I just laugh at her face. I can't help it she's really cute right now.

"Can you uh-uh at least send me the location up there? I'm gonna head to your apartment first.. I uh forget something in there.." I frowned. I thought we're gonna go together but Camila has some other plan but i really don't mind it.. maybe? As long as she's going there.

"Okay baby? Are you leaving now?"

"Nope. Not until I get my good bye kiss from my pretty girlfriend.." she smirked and kiss me on my lips. We kissed for a few minutes and I can feel a smile on her lips.

"I'm so proud of you."

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