Chapter 38

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- Lauren's

Since I woke up, I was extra nervous. I tried finding the nicest dress that I brought with me here. I haven't packed a lot of things since I'll be coming home to New York in three days to plan for my next adventure.

"Yep! I give up. I need to shop."

I grabbed my car keys and went to the nearest shopping mall. The mall was crowded, people were gushing and shouting something I haven't heard clearly.

"Excuse me, but what's going on in there?" I aksed the security and he just said "Some celebrity is in here, someone named Arianne? I'm quite not sure.."

I went to the store where these gorgeous dresses were being sold. I missed shopping, I haven't shop for a long time but right now I'm in a hurry. I was finding a perfect dress when I heard a snap and I thought I saw Camila coming out from the store. That can't be, Camila? Seriously? Here in Australia? Very funny, Lauren.

Sometimes my mind keeps on playing tricks with me, I always ran upto some people because I always thought it was Camila but I always end up wrong so I shrug it out and continue finding the perfect dress.

"This thing will do!"

I went to the cashier and payed for my dress and drove back to my hotel to get ready.. Tonight's the night.

- Camila's

I'm bored. I mean I don't mind listening to my girlfriend's song for an hour but yeah, I'm just bored out here so I decided to treat myself and shop instead. I googled up for best stores in shop and there it is.. It was an elegant store, I brought my camera with me and took a picture of it but something got caught in my camera, a girl with emerald eyes busy looking unto the racks of black dresses, I chuckled and decided to take a snap of her and turn my back and left.


From: Ariana
Babe, Where are you? Gotta get back to your hotel.. Uncle Ricky is waiting for us.

So, I went back and Ariana gave me a comforting hug which is not comforting at all. I don't understand why but I'm annoyed at her but I can't help it she is my girlfriend. We went to the van and I decided to take a nap, I was woken up by a kiss on my cheek, it was Ari's kisses.

"Morning babe, come on! It's vday and I got something for you.."

We went out and I directly saw Uncle Ricky so Idecided to run upto him and give him a koala hug.

"I miss you little one!"

"I miss you too Uncle! How's the hotel?"

"Well, its perfectly fine but I got a surprise for you later.." He winked at me and I grew confused..

- Ariana's

Camila and his uncle had a lot to catch up so after dinner me and Courtney went upstairs.

"Ari you know I love you right?" Courtney said

"Yes I do, why?"

"I care for you but can't you see how much Camila has been suffering so much? She doesn't look at you the way she look at Lauren. Ya'll are never compatible.. Maybe you should tell her the truth.."

I've been thinking about it for a long time since we've been together. I knew Camila was just trying to be nice and trying to love me but I am not Lauren, even though she had forgoten how Lauren look like or how Lauren treated her she wont ever forget how much she loved Lauren. I'm never ever gonna compete for her love for Lauren and I knew that but I'm not giving up, I will try to love her and I'll hope that she'll be able to learn to love me even if it takes a long time, I am willing to wait.

"I knew that but Courtney.. This is my chance, no Lauren in sight.. She will learn to love me eventually.."

"No Ariana! I'm sick of seeing Camila all sad and shit okay! Please stop being selfish for once and tell her the truth! The whole damn truth! If you wont tell her then I will!"

"What truth?" My eyes widened and saw a confused looking Camila coming our way.

- Camila's

I grew tired after dinner but Uncle Ricky told me to get ready for tonight. It was Valentines day and Ariana gave me this cute necklace, I was happy for once. I decided not to use the penthouse for this trip because I don't know, maybe it wasn't worth it..

I set off the elevator but I heard shoutings.. My head was throbbing by the yelling coming from...

Ariana and Courtney?

They don't fight that often so I was sneaking on them..

"No Ariana! I'm sick of seeing Camila all sad and shit okay! Please stop being selfish for once and tell her the truth! The whole damn truth! If you wont tell her then I will!"

"What truth?" I interrupted them and Ariana's eyes widened as she saw me.

"Nothing babe! She's just crazy" she smiled at me but I'm not dumb to believe her.

"What is it Courtney?"

"Ariana, she was the one who sabotage your relationship with Lauren. She never cheated on you it was all Ariana's plan." She said straightly right at my face.

I felt tears running down my face, I don't know why. I don't even rememeber who Lauren was but I was hurting.

"Babe.. Let me expla--" I slapped her, I don't know why but I just felt like it was the right thing to do.

And I left...

- No one's

Camila went straight to the lounge. It was packed, full of couples everywhere.

Yeah right, Valentines day she thought, she directly went to the bar and met by a guy named Callum who happend to be a bartender.

"Can you give me something strong?"

"And how old are you?" He asked and raised his eyebrows

"Im 22, and I'm a Cabello so please.." His questioning look turned into scared look as soon as he heard the word Cabello.

Camila was stressed, she doesn't know whats happening with her life, she just wants to remember Lauren so bad. She misses her, even if she doesn't know who she really was. Her drink came up and she took a sip, indeed it's a strong drink.

"Excuse me, ladies and gents. Ricky here and tonight.. We have a guest!"

Everyone clapped and Camila just drank her drink not minding the crowd nor her uncle. She really didnt care at all.

"I met this girl on the studio yesterday and she's playing this song she made for the girl she loved most.."

That caught Camila's attention and her Uncle just looked at her and smile widely.

"Please welcome, Lauren Jauregui"

A loud cheer came from the crowd and Camila saw the girl in black dress. Smiling widely, and Camila look unto those emerald eyes... For a second she drowns in them.

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