Chapter 36

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- Camila's

*beep beep beep beep*

Beeps was all I heard since I awoke, I have been up for an hour now but I haven't catch anyone else's attention because they were all asleep.

I saw Ariana's ponytail in my bedside, I smiled at that view.

I don't remember what happened, I just remember someone named Lauren but I can't remember her face.


I heard Ariana shuffled and rubbed her eyes.

"Oh my God! Mils! You're awake! Wait up!"

The doctor come rushing unto my room. My mother, Sinu hugged me and my dad and Sofi did the same after.

I haven't spoke any words since I woke up. I don't know what to say, I ran out of words. I didn't know what happened but all I remember is Lauren.


They all looked at me weirdly, do they know Lauren?
Who is Lauren?

"Mom... who's Lauren?"

"Mija, rest okay? The doctor said you you shouldn't think real hard because you've got brain injury."

"But.. all I think about is Lauren. I don't know who Lauren is.. or maybe what? I forgot about her? What's with her? Who is she?"

I can't help but cry. I didn't know who Lauren is and I want to remember her so bad.


Then I went back to sleep..

- Lauren's

It's been 2 weeks and I've been visiting Camila to the hospital since she got there but right now I saw a worried-looking Sinu outside Camila's door.

"Hi Sinu, how's it going?"

She was startled by my presence but she hugged me right away.

"She doesn't remember you Mija."

"What do you mean?"

"She keeps asking who Lauren is, she doesn't have any clue on who you are."


It hurts knowing that the one person you love most has forgotten about you but everything that is happening in Camila's life is all my fault. Her heartbreak, her accident, her memories.. it's all my damn fault.

"Sinu, please let's just keep it that way.. I don't want to face Camila right now after.. what I've done to her.. the accident.. was my fault.. sorrry"

"No mija, it's not your fault okay? But whatever you want.. I'll respect your decision"

"But please give this to her.."

I gave her the bouquet of roses that she used to love.. and a letter.

"Bye Sinu, please hug Camila for me.."

"I hope to see you real soon Lauren. You two are meant to be.. I knew that for sure.." she smiled at me and I left the hospital and breath out.

I took a roll of cigarette from my pocket

"So you're back Jauregui? Is that for good or.."

I see Ariana from my peripheral vision and I rolled my eyes.

"No Ariana, guess your celebrating right now. I knew what you've done, Lucy told me everything just now and fuck you for ruining our relationship. Are you happy now? You've got Camila for yourself. You wont be seeing my soul from now on. I'm out of your hair and Camila's yours now"

I saw the shocked look from Ariana's face and I took a last puff on my cigarette before killing it on my sole. I left Ariana and the hospital.

It's time..

It's time for a change.
I love you, Camila.

- Camila's

"Mom? Who's that girl you're talking to?"

"Oh that's no one mija she just delivered these.."


The girl outside looked really familiar. I haven't seen her face properly because the blinds were blocking the view. All I saw was the wavy hair and perfect body.

"Wow these are my favorites" I smiled at the roses my mom had given me.

"It's from someone special.."

I reached out for the letter and felt tears had escaped my eyes.

Dear Camz,

It's been days and you still haven't woken up. I miss your beautiful eyes and your dazzling smiles.
You are the best thing I've ever had and I'm sorry for putting you in this situation. I love you so much and I'm sorry for everything. I hope to see you again, soon. We are not in the right places for now but I hope to meet you because I still wish we are meant to be but please be happy, even without me. You deserve all the happiness in the world because a girl like you deserves the stars and moon.

I love you, Camzi.
Please don't ever forget me.

Love, Lj

And the tears from my eyes never stopped falling.

Lauren, whoever you are. I will love you with all my heart and I'll wait til you come back.

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