Chapter 28

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- Lauren's

Last night was pretty awesome.. Camila and I did a one on one shoot... which are too.. not normal but it was fun and was really cute.

I was awake for an hour now and I don't want to wake Camila up so I just stayed in place admiring my pretty girlfriend. She was wearing my sweater because this young lady haven't brought anything with her..

"Hi babe.. good morning" She smiled at me and I kissed her cheeks

"We'll go shopping today so I can buy you some clothes and necessities.."

"NOOOOO, I just wanna wear your stuff.. it's really really comfy LoLo" she pouted but I still insisted and right now she's throwing tantrums at me.

It took us an hour to get ready and went to the mall. Good thing that its not weekend, the mall wasn't that packed. We walked around and we saw some teenagers gushing right in front of us. I smiled at them but they just glared at me and rolled their eyes.

Camila noticed how these teenagers reacted and she went near them..

"Uh excuse me? I'm Camila.. and I just wanna ask why you're throwing death glares to my girlfriend?" She asked nicely.

"Well.. that girl you're with stole you away from Ariana!"

Camila raised her eyebrow and stared blankly at the teenager who kept on talking.

"Here's the catch.. That girl.. over there is my girlfriend and she didn't steal me from Ariana because first of all, WE ARE NOT TOGETHER and tell that to your idol or whatsoever that she is the worst! So please. Leave us alone, stop gushing about us because we really don't care about what you think because I am happily in love with my girlfriend and please let us just shop in peace. THANK YOU!"

Feisty, I can say. Never seen my Camila in a mood like this. I can't deny it but she's really hot when she's angry.

Camila went back to me and hugged me real tight and kissed my lips. I can't help but smile at her change of mood. We continued shopping and Camila may bought a lot.. literally a lot of things. We were carrying a tons of shopping bags.

"And you told me not to take you to the mall.." I smirked and she just snuck her tongue out. Shopping with Camila became one of my favorites.

- Camila's

After shopping, eating, walking, talking, teasing and everything else we decided to went back to Lauren's apartment. I was dead tired, I've really missed shopping.

"Do you know that I haven't shopped like this in about.. 2 months or so?" I told Lauren and she looked at me weirdly.

"Well.. the hotel's comes first and there aren't much shopping stores in my place, you'll have to fly out of the country just to get these things.."

"If that's the case then you'll be flying to New York a lot of times then.." she hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek.

"That depends but you should know that if I went here I'm not really excited about the shopping thing.. I'm really hyped in seeing you.." I told her and kissed her lips.

"Come let's take a picture!" She then took a selfie of us together and after a while my phone beeped. Lauren tagged me in her post in Instagram.

👤LJ: First time to shop with my little banana eater! Had so much fun with the beauty

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👤LJ: First time to shop with my little banana eater! Had so much fun with the beauty.. I love you! ❤️ -with: Camila Cabello

"Awww you're so sweet babe. I love you, too!!" I tackled her with tiny kisses and we giggled a lot.

"Babe!!!" I stopped kissing her and looked at her with a questioning look. She pointed outside her window and I saw a falcon, trying to get in.

I opened the window and it flew straight, now I admit I'm scared as hell but I was confused when Lauren was wearing a gloves, which are for those birdies.

"Look! This thing got a message!" She squealed and I went near them, the falcon was tamed.. obviously it wasn't moving on Lauren's since.

I grabbed the scroll from Lauren's hand and she just smirked at me. What is wrong with her? Instead of asking her I decided to slide it off and rolled my eyes.

I opened the scroll and I saw a message..

"Would you accompany me to MET gala? -lj"

I looked at Lauren who has now a wishful face and this is my chance to throw the scroll to her face and she glared at me.

"So... is that a yes or a no?" She smiled weakly.

"Are you expecting another answer other than Yes, Lauren Michelle Jauregui?" She looked down and I can't help it, she's just so cute!

"Awww look at me babe.. I would love to accompany you to that gala." I kissed her passionately and we almost forgot about the falcon in her hands. She gave me a sweetest smile and I can't help but return that smile otherwise.

Our moment was interrupted by a loud screech coming from the bird and I just glared at it but Lauren just laughed at my face.

"This is Oscar by the way, my very beautiful and brave falcon.."


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