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Later that morning, at a more decent hour, Ahsoka had achieved a major accomplishment: bathing. The water had stung the whole time but she managed to fight through her pain long enough to freshen up. One of the cons of having a side wound was the inconveniences of everyday life. Walking was okay, now, but her side was still tender to the touch. She was just going to have to wait it out.

She ate a small breakfast, not trusting herself to indulge in food just yet. She needed a job before she started allowing herself to relax. Job first, then she could start figuring out things like how to kill time. As she munched on some dried fruit, she looked over the list again, although she had memorized it by now.

It was a little after 6 in the morning now, and soon, Ahsoka would set off to try out the first business on her list. It was privately owned, of course, and one level above the one she lived on. It was called Gauges and Gears, and it repaired pretty much everything from what their HoloNet ad said. Motors, electric appliances, any type of machine, it even took hyperdrives, although there was an asterisk after that last part. Ahsoka guessed that the mechanic who had walked away was the only person on hand that could fix hyperdrives. That would bode well for Ahsoka since she had plenty of experience fixing hyperdrives. Hopefully, it would make her an asset to the owner, whoever they were.

Ahsoka didn't know how long she would be out, but she knew she was going to have to walk at a regular pace and she wasn't about to run, so she packed some sealed food in her bag in case she got hungry. A few credits went in too, just in case she needed them. Her blaster she tucked into the back of the waistband of her new cream pants, another provision from Ventress. She was also sporting a light blue top, one that covered her whole back. She didn't want to scare any onlookers.

She double-checked that her door was locked before setting off down the street. Thankfully, she didn't have to pass the spot she had 'died' at but instead turned into the thick of the sector. After a few days down in the Lower Levels, she had become accustomed, somewhat, to the layout of the planet. There were tons of levels, but they were divided into sectors, kind of like on a battlefield. The sectors went all the way from the surface to the core of the levels, to which Ahsoka had never been to. Then, in the sectors, there were streets, and buildings had numbers. Her house was on 308 Brush Street in Sector 7, Level 22. She was living down in one of the lowest levels, but the property was cheaper down there.

In the most densely populated part of the sector, there were elevators going between the levels but stayed in the sectors. Ahsoka waited in line until she could get in one, then went up to Level 23. She didn't quite feel comfortable standing in a closed area with a bunch of other people, but she forced herself to ignore her instincts. This wasn't a mission, this was life. Most of these people were probably just on their way to work, they weren't going to try and kill her. Probably.

Ahsoka wondered how many of the...ten? twelve? people she was standing with had weapons on them. Did they prepare to be attacked every day, or did they hope for the best, and choose not to arm themselves? They had to know how dangerous it was, living down here. Crime thrived in the Lower Levels, even if the surface ignored it. Maybe they were good enough at hand-to-hand combat that they didn't need weapons. Ahsoka wished she was feeling up to par, so she could do the same.

She was one of the first people to get off, thankfully. Ahsoka decided that if she got free time later, she would find an alternate route between levels, one that didn't include a crowded lift. There had to be some obscure passage, probably dangerous, but with fewer people. Ahsoka could handle the risk, as soon as she could start running again. For now, she was just going to have to deal with it.

The shop was near the shaft that Ahsoka had fallen down a few days ago. It made sense, being a repair business, but Ahsoka felt like every time she came this way, something bad happened. She shook her head. Now's not the time for karma. I'm starting over, it's going to be fine.

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