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Padmé Amidala sank into the mattress aboard her ship, and let the stress from the past few days melt into the blankets that adorned her bed. She stared up at the ceiling for a few minutes, her mind still moving a thousand meters an hour. Once she could string together a few individual thoughts, she sat up and thought over what she had been forced to endure as of late.

The entire week had been a whirlwind of confusion and chaos. First was the gala, and that had been fine in and of itself, but much more had happened outside of the event. Anakin, who apparently hadn't been allowed to come, had witnessed the death of Sheev Palpatine at the hands of the Inquisitor. There was so much packed into those few hours that she had missed that she didn't like thinking about it.

She had been confused as to why Anakin hadn't been allowed to attend the gala, but she was more disappointed. She had been hoping to see him the minute the gala had been announced and invitations had been sent out. Surely, the Chosen One ought to be on duty that night, right? Wrong, as it had turned out. Although, maybe it was for the better.

Never, not in a million years, had Padmé thought that Chancellor Palpatine would be a traitor. It was hard enough to hear that he had been killed, but a traitor? He had worked with her so often, first while she was the Queen of Naboo and then again when she transitioned to Senator. Palpatine had been so kind, so helpful, but now it seemed that he had harbored his own secrets, just as she had hidden hers. This wasn't uncommon, as on Naboo secrecy was accepted and almost expected, but the secrets of Naboo were for the benefit of those who did not know. Compartmentalization was used to protect and accomplish, not to exploit.

His death had hit her hard, even after she learned that he was a Sith Lord. It had been decided that she would announce the news to the galaxy, since she had been closest to him in the Senate, not including his personal staff who had all been dismissed. The Senators had been given a day to process and think of what would be in the best interest of their systems, and Padmé had spent her day thinking over what it would mean for Naboo.

Due to their poor relations with the Trade Federation, her counselors and advisors had all decided that Naboo would be maintaining their alliance with the Galactic Republic. Many of her friends, however, had decided otherwise. Some systems had decided that they preferred to join the Alliance of Independent Systems, and some had decided to drop out of the war altogether. They would become neutral, and would no longer be supporting either side of the Clone War.

For once, they would be allowed to. Everyone had realized how shaken civilians and politicians alike would be, after learning that the leader of one side was also the leader of the other. To avoid bloodshed and to calm public opinions and fears, new alliances were allowed to be made and old alliances were allowed to be abandoned, all without outside interference. It was the first time in centuries that something so radical had taken place, but it was silently agreed among the Senate that no one really wanted to interfere anymore. This might be the only time a break would be offered, and they all were intent on taking it.

Personally, Padmé completely understood why systems were dropping out of the Republic and going neutral, or becoming Separatist. Her own faith in the Senate had been shaken, especially after learning that one of her oldest friends in the galaxy had been a traitor the whole time. When she thought about it further, though, the truth of the matter scared her.

Palpatine had been willing to sacrifice clones, resources, Jedi, and even civilians to accomplish his goal, which was starting to look more and more like absolute monarchy of all systems, not just the Republic. She had taken a look back through the Senate's records, and she had realized for the first time how much war power the Chancellor had been given over the past four years. They had all been labeled as 'emergency powers', and would have been taken away as soon as peace was achieved, but it was clear now that Palpatine had not intended for the war to end. If the war never ended, then he would retain his power. It was truly brilliant, just as much as it was cruel.

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