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For the first time ever, Ahsoka brought lightsabers with her to work. She didn't hang them on her belt, though; a month and a half of living in the Lower Levels had taught her that much. It was like an advertisement for someone to come and rob her or kill her, depending on who saw them. At least now, she felt much more secure and less vulnerable. 

She felt Anakin checking in on her a lot more often, too. He had probably gotten worried when he couldn't feel her for so long, so she didn't think much of the matter. She had no idea what he thought about her new allegiance to both Forces, or if he could even tell from so far away. Ahsoka did miss being able to sense him every now and then, though. It was good to be back.

Nothing happened at work until lunch. Nox had already gone home for the afternoon, and Rya and Leslie were manning the front counter. Everyone else had congregated in the staff room, including Granger. Ahsoka had a feeling she knew why.

When a pause in the conversation came, he cleared his throat. "There's something you guys should know," he began, and everyone turned to him.

Wheeler, who was sitting next to her, nudged her. Everyone had noticed that something was different between Ahsoka and Granger, but neither of them had elaborated on the fact thus far.

"I talked to Fuller yesterday. Friday is my last day here. I'm leaving."

"What?" others asked, astonished at the sudden announcement. Luce in particular piped up. "Where are you going? Following Frand up to the surface?"

Granger shook his head. "No. I'm leaving Coruscant, probably for good."

That got their attention if nothing else did. "Since when?!?"

He sighed, bracing himself for what he was going to say. He's going to tell them about Kalifa, Ahsoka realized.

"I came to Coruscant years ago, I wasn't born here. I came because I was looking for my sister...Kalifa." Ahsoka could hear the pain in his voice saying her name out loud. "She was taken to the Jedi Temple when I was younger."

Heads snapped in Ahsoka's direction. People silently began connecting the dots as to why he had disliked her so much for so long.

"Turns out she died a few years ago. I don't have a reason to stay anymore, so...I've bought my ticket and I'm heading out this weekend. I figured you all should know."

No one said a word for a minute until Journey, barely audible, said, "This whole time?"

Granger nodded, looking down at the ground. "Tano helped me figure it out. It's why I was gone for so long."

"Well that explains a lot," Jake commented, and Jackson elbowed him in the side.

"So the whole thing where you hated Tano was the backlash from years ago?" Wheeler asked, not looking very impressed. "That's low, man."

Granger dipped his head and avoided eye contact, but Ahsoka spoke up. "The reasons he had were valid, even if what he did wasn't. I've moved past it, and I'd say it's about time everyone else did too."

Everyone nodded, and Granger looked up at her gratefully. Luce shook his head. "You Jedi folk are weird."

She just laughed. "Well, we all knew that from the beginning."

"So...party on Thursday?" Jake confirmed, and everyone around the room nodded. "It's a system-wide holiday anyways, so no one will be working. I'm thinking potluck style. Everyone brings a food item," he clarified to Ahsoka.

"We can't just do 'a potluck', though," Thyla objected. "If this is his last week on Coruscant, then it needs to be bigger than that."

Journey nodded, wrapping an arm around her. "If we don't have work, we can go somewhere. Who knows a place?"

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