Author's Note

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You have probably figured out by now that this book isn't like Season 7. The overarching theme of Season 8 is Ahsoka's character development, but I didn't necessarily plan for it to be this way.

When I started writing this, I wanted it to lead into the event that begins in 9.1.1. When I got started, though, not only was I dedicating a lot of time into Ahsoka's character and her change, but also into the original characters that I created to help shape her into this balanced version of herself. I decided that I wasn't about to sacrifice quality for quantity, so I divided the book into two: Season 8 is focused on internal struggle, and Season 9 will be about external struggle. And by external struggle, I mean the Clone War itself.

This is the first book that is not necessarily centered around a single conflict, or ongoing conflict. Not even for my Marvel series have I spent an entire book elaborating on one single character. Most of the time, I have a consistent event, or imposing threat that the protagonists concentrate on, but this book, spanned over a two month period, links multiple places, events, conflicts, and journeys together to show change over time in the main character (Ahsoka). Because of this new type of writing, I was hoping that the readers who have finished this book would give me some feedback.

If you don't want to, I would like to end your attention span with a 'thank you for reading', and a 'please look for the next book in the series'. I promise, Season 9: Back in the Game will be much more action-packed than this one. Also, if you are confused as to why Ahsoka is having a bit of an identity crisis through most of this, Season 7 - Blurred Sides explains what happened. Thanks for reading!

For those who do want to give feed back, feel free to be as concise or as thorough with your answers as you want. I appreciate anything and everything you want to offer.

1. There were multiple original characters (OC's) in this book. Some of them were one time appearances, like in the weapons shop, while others were consistent presences, like at Gauges and Gears. Did you feel that there were too many characters that you could not keep track of who was who, and what they were like? Do you think that they should have been given more description, or was too much of the story spent elaborating about them? Were their interactions valuable and meaningful, or shallow and redundant?

2. This is simply for my own personal pleasure and curiosity, but who was your favorite OC? A reason/reasons why would also be enjoyed. Additionally, which OC did you not enjoy?

3. A lot of places were introduced in this story, most of which had not ever been referenced before in the Clone Wars. Because of this, you most likely had little to no idea as to what they looked like, or what the environment was like. Were new places adequately described and characterized to the point where you could visualize and feel the setting, but still have the capacity to use your imagination? If not, where was the flaw in the description? Was it too specific, too vague, or too static, and why? Is there a better word to describe how I wrote about the places?

4. Again, just because I'm curious, which was your favorite place? Least favorite?

5. Clearly, this is not the actual Clone Wars, and I chose to take Ahsoka in an original direction, one I doubt she will actually follow in the series. Do you like the mental and emotional place she reached by the end of this story, and why? Was the path she took to get there sensible and reasonable, or did it seem unnatural and forced? If the events in Season 7 - Blurred Sides did take place, could you see this potentially happening? Even if you don't agree with her reasoning, does it make sense?

6. Were there any events or decisions that Ahsoka made that seemed out of character with the canon version of Ahsoka, accommodating for the storyline of Season 7 - Blurred Sides? If so, what do you believe would have been a more consistent response or action?

The easiest way for me to sort through answers would be if you commented on the paragraphs with the specific questions. If you would prefer to not share your feedback publicly, and would rather send them to me privately, please make sure you label your responses with the corresponding numbers.

Lots of love!

-Sparkplug02 <3

The Price series:

-Blurred Sides (Book 1)

-Learning to Live (Book 2)

-Back in the Game (Book 3)

-Game Over (Book 4) ~ Unpublished

-Title To Be Announced (Jinx spin-off) ~ Unpublished

The Renaissance series:

-Rebuilding (Book 1)

-Aggressive Negotiations (Luke & Leia spin-off) ~ OUT NOW!

-Title To Be Announced (Book 2) ~ Unpublished

-Title To Be Announced (Soka spin-off) ~ Unpublished

-Title To Be Announced (Book 3) ~ Unpublished

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