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Ahsoka made a quick run back up to her locker. The medkit that the shop had wasn't going to be enough to help Jake, so she was going to have to use her own. It was also the perfect opportunity to check up on the four that were still recovering.

Rya was doing the best out of all of them, and Luce looked like he was becoming a close second. Leslie and Nox were still very rattled, but at least the shaking was less visible.

She smiled as she walked in. "How are you guys doing?" She asked, keeping her voice low so she wouldn't scare them.

Luce grinned, but Ahsoka could tell it was forced. "Better. Rya's been taking care of us."

"I remembered the things you did to help my mother," she said, "how you helped calm her down. I just tried to do the same."

"Thank you," she told her. "I would have done so myself, but Jake still hasn't calmed down and his leg is going to take a long time if he keeps acting like this."

Leslie pulled out a smile from somewhere inside her. "I've always thought he was a little kid at heart."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes playfully. "I've known kids who act much braver than he is. Keep resting, and don't come down until you're ready, alright?"

They all nodded and Ahsoka walked out, medkit in arm, back to the workshop.

At the walkway, Tyme and Journey had done a pretty good job cleaning up the glass shards. "There's still a few pieces left," Tyme confessed, "but we'll have to get a vacuum or something to clean them up."

"Here, let me," she offered, and she quickly lifted the remaining glass into the garbage bin with the Force. She even managed to clear the pieces stuck to their brooms. They looked at her, jaws hanging down.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?!?" Journey complained. "We've been sweeping for fifteen minutes!"

"I've been busy!" She insisted, and to prove her point, she descended the stairs again, back to Jake, who was annoying Thyla as she mopped up his blood with her rag.

She nodded her head at Jake. "Can you get him to please be quiet?"

Ahsoka groaned. "I've been trying. Thanks, Thyla."

"I'll go wring this out and come back," she told her and disappeared again. Ahsoka didn't object since it kept her moving.

"Can you even fix this?" Jake wailed. "It's so bloody!"

"I can if you cooperate," Ahsoka scolded him. "I'm going to start with some antibacterial wipes. This is going to sting."

He whimpered again, but Ahsoka called Wheeler over and she held him down while she cleaned up his cut. Normally, and she could wipe down a cut pretty quickly, but he was fidgeting and squirming so badly that it took twice as long. It took quite a bit of self-control to not grab her blaster, fix it, and stun him so it could go quicker. She had to keep reminding herself that Jake, a civilian, was not as pain tolerant as her, an ex-Jedi and an ex-Inquisitor.

After over eight minutes, she was finally satisfied with the job. "You can relax now," she told Jake, who finally stopped objecting.

"Is it done?"

"What? No, I haven't even started yet. That was just making sure it doesn't get infected."

He started whining again. "What else is there to do?"

Ahsoka reached into her medkit and secretly prepared a dose of anesthetic. There was no way he was going to hold still if she didn't numb his leg first. "I apologize for what I'm about to do."

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