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Ahsoka sank down on the couch of her house when she finally got home that night. Going out to eat had been so much fun, but she was tired and was ready to go to sleep. She might have fallen unconscious right then and there if she didn't have to put away the gifts from earlier.

She set her bag down on the table and placed the rug on the floor next to it. The tools she had left at the shop since that was where she would use them most often. Opening the clasp to her bag, she started putting away the smaller items.

The projector, she set on the table and left there. Momentarily, she turned it on and stared at it smiling. Now that she had a chance to look at it, she could see that not only were the names of the planets by their images, but also their coordinates. She had already memorized some of the more popular planets and where they were, but seeing it in front of her again made her grin. This was the world she knew.

Ahsoka turned it off, not wanting to drain the battery. Next, she pulled out the set of candles, which she had unpacked and repacked into her bag so she could take them home. Opening a mostly empty cupboard in the kitchen, she stacked them as neatly as she could. She wondered if there was a lighter somewhere in the house.

Next came the comlink. She finally opened up and read the instruction manual that had come with it, and figured out how to link it with her large, cumbersome communication portal. She kept it in the closet so it wouldn't be in the way, and also since no one called her. Now, though, she could carry it with her if she needed it. She attached to her left gauntlet like she always did. No point in messing with a good system.

She decided to roll out the rug after that. Sliding it under the table, she took off her boots and let the fur tickle the bottom of her feet. Ahsoka only had carpet in her bedroom, so the rug was certainly a welcome gift.

The last thing she had to put away was the sewing kit. She decided that the best place to keep it was with the spare parts she kept on the shelf. She pulled the basket down, then brought it over to the table with her bag. She had more spare pieces to add to it.

It was getting pretty full now. A month of collecting tech was certainly taking up room. She grabbed some more out of the bottom of her bag and added it to the pile, and she was about to put it away when something caught her eye.

She looked back, but whatever she had seen had disappeared. Still, though, she had recognized something, she knew she did. Ahsoka closed her eyes and reached a hand over the pieces, and tried to use the Force to find what she had seen. It couldn't be that hard, right? It was just a piece, maybe two...

No, she told herself, and let the pieces fall. Not piece, pieces. Pieces to a lightsaber. She hadn't seen just one gear or washer but had seen a pattern that she knew by heart. I don't even have a crystal, and I'm done fighting. No more.

Ahsoka set the basket on top of the sewing kit and put them on the shelf. She refused to think about it again.

She undressed, hanging her new jacket on the hook next to the door. After a long shower, she had long since forgotten about lightsabers and crystals and the war.

She decided that she wouldn't meditate that night. Tucking the blaster under her pillow, she settled in for the night and began to mull over the day in her mind. The whole thing: the party, the cake, the gifts, the dinner, the drinks. Ahsoka was about to doze off when a knock came at the door. 

Typical, she thought and rolled back off the bed again. Reaching out into the Force, she looked to see who it was. She definitely wasn't expecting anyone, but that didn't mean anything these days. She probably should have guessed who it was, though, because who else would come knocking at midnight other than Asaaj Ventress?

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