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The gang, the name of which Ahsoka still did not know, had an entire floor dedicated to gyms, obstacle courses, weight rooms, sparring mats, and weapons. Granted, she didn't know the names of these places, since all she had ever called these rooms were 'training rooms'. Unlike the Jedi, these people had a little more variety.

Vicki walked her to the floor and opened the door for her. "Feel free to match up with someone. If you go down, med bay is on the bottom floor."

Ahsoka nodded and stepped in. In a matter of four and a half seconds, Tallie tackled her and nearly knocked her to the ground. "Gotcha!!!" She yelled and began laughing hysterically.

She pried the girl off of her. "You look familiar," she teased and kneeled down to examine the girl. "How are you healing up?"

"I'm fine," the small gangster assured her. "But Obi-Wan won't let me go up to the service anymore."

"Surface," he corrected, walking up to the two of them. "That went pretty well up there. Vicki seemed to like you."

"Thank you," Ahsoka smiled up at him, grateful for his support.

He pointed to one of the mats. "Wanna go a few rounds?"

She shrugged as if she couldn't break his arm in a second flat. "Sure. I guess it couldn't hurt."

Tallie pulled her arm as the three of them walked to the ring. It was surrounded by elastic cables that wrapped around the corners of the mat. Ahsoka supposed that they were supposed to protect anyone watching, but she was already thinking about how she could use them to her advantage.

"Mind if you take off your gauntlets?" Obi-Wan asked (she decided to call him Obi. It was too confusing for her otherwise). "We remove armor just so it doesn't wear out, and I wouldn't want you to have an advantage."

She nodded and loosened the straps. Ahsoka kind of liked these gauntlets better than the burgundy ones with the gold clasps. These felt more secure, and they were comfortable enough that she didn't have to wear a sleeve underneath them either. While she removed these, and her shoes, Obi came over with a couple of rolls of medical tape.

"Here," he said, tossing one to her. "We wouldn't want you to sprain your wrist or something. Do you know how to tape yourself?"

"Yes," she answered. "I've done it a few times. Never for training, though."

He smirked. "Same technique, don't worry."

She finished wrapping up, despite not having any pre-wrap to go underneath. It wasn't like she could be picky, though, so she stood up and slid between the cables onto the mat.

"Ever take fighting classes, Tano?" Obi asked, walking to the center of the mat.

She shrugged. "I have, but not like this. Different training methods, I suppose."

He beckoned her towards her. "Let's do fundamentals, then. See how much they taught you."

Ahsoka complied, struggling to fight off a grin. He has no idea, does he?

Obi held up a foam pad less than a meter away from her. It was strapped to his hand, so it wouldn't fall off. "Go ahead and punch this pad."

She punched the pad. It nearly knocked Obi off-balance, and she decided she needed to go softer next time.

"Okay, you can punch," he concluded. "What about kicks?"

He held the pad lower. She did a simple kick but made sure she wasn't using full force. She also reminded herself to not use the Force.

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