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With all of the threats down for the count, she finally went over and began untying her colleagues, who had ceased to stare at her since she had come in. She started with the person on the left, Journey, and worked her way to the right. Once Ahsoka freed their hands, they ripped the cloths out of their mouths but still did not say anything until Leslie, the last in line, was free of her bonds.

As Ahsoka helped her stand, she noticed that Leslie was shaking badly. She remembered how startled she had been on her first day when she had told Leslie about Mustafar. If she was scared of lava and battle droids, the last five minutes must have been a nightmare for her. As soon as her hands were free, she clung to Ahsoka and refused to let go. She wrapped her arms around the shaking girl, surprised and confused as to how it would help her. Leslie needed to sit, and probably drink some water. Hugging wasn't going to calm her nervous system.

"Is everyone okay?" Ahsoka asked, looking around at the others. They all turned to Jake, who was leaning on Jackson and Wheeler for support. She looked him down and saw blood dripping from a gash in his pants.

Fuller answered for him. "The thugs broke a few things on their way in, and a piece of debris cut his leg."

Ahsoka pulled Leslie off of her and motioned for Rya to come over. "Get her sitting, and try to get her to drink. Hey," she said quietly when Leslie tried to go back to Ahsoka. "I have to help him. We don't want that wound to get any worse."

Rya pulled Leslie close and started whispering to her, calming her as much as she could. Ahsoka went over to Jake and tried to make out what had happened.

The good news was that the debris was no longer in his leg, but it was still bleeding badly. It needed medical attention, and the sooner, the better. The cut was over four centimeters long and was going to need stitches.

Jake was just barely holding it together. "How bad is it? It's not going to kill me, is it?"

Wheeler groaned. "It's just a cut, you wuss."

"But it's a big one!!!"

"Both of you, stop it," she ordered. She turned to Fuller, who was white as a sheet but holding up better than the others. "Call this in, and tell the troopers we have eight unconscious terrorists who have trespassed onto private property and need to be tried for robbery, harassment, and attempted homicide."

Fuller went to go up to the offices to make the call, before hesitating. "Does it need to be word-for-word?"

"Just hurry," she told him, "and if they don't cooperate, let me know."

He made his way up the stairs, avoiding stepping on glass shards on his way up. Everyone watched him go, but watching wasn't going to help Jake, or Leslie, or anyone else who needed to calm down.

"Get him sitting," she told Jackson and Wheeler, who complied. They set him on one of the large workbenches, which was going to have to serve as a medical table for the time being.

"Anyone who needs a minute to calm down, go with Rya and Leslie to the staff room," she instructed, and the girls plus Luce and Nox went up after Fuller. Since Jake couldn't walk, Ahsoka was down to six people, plus herself, to clean up the mess before the clone troopers got there.

"Tyme and Journey, go grab brooms and start cleaning up the glass. If someone steps on that, they're going to cut themselves. Thyla, grab the medkit for Jake. Everyone else, we have to get all of the intruders into one area. Start dragging them into here, and take all of their weapons off of them."

No one, not even Granger, objected, although he did glare at her for ordering him around. Normally, she wouldn't be so harsh with her instructions, but she had to deal with Jake's wound and the clone troopers when they got there, plus all of the others who were freaking out. It was either this or chaos, and Ahsoka knew strict order would get the job done better than unmanaged chaos.

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