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"Watch where you're going, Tano," he growled, glaring at her and rolling off from on top of her. It was the first thing he had said to her all week.

"I apologize, I did not see you come in," she replied, but she knew it wouldn't do any good.

He crawled up to his feet and dusted himself off. "Whatever," he dismissed her and kept on walking. Ahsoka decided to go out on a limb.

"If this is about Saturday," she began, "I apologize for lashing out. That shouldn't have happened, I lost control that day-"

Granger laughed. "Oh, please, what else would I expect from a Jedi?" He taunted her, and Ahsoka knew trying to mend her mistake was pointless. If he wasn't going to accept what she wanted to say, she could not force him to.

She was about to walk out herself, but he wasn't done insulting her. "Why don't you run on back to your magic friends?" He suggested. "And your clone buddies, I bet they would like to see you too."

Ahsoka shut the door, refusing to let his words manipulate her. She wasn't making the same mistake twice, and certainly not that mistake.

Returning to work, she brought out her orange toolbox and tried to push the exchange out of her mind. A few minutes later, Granger walked out of the garage, sneering at her. His mentality seemed to have switched from not wanting anything to do with her to wanting to make her feel terrible. Little did he know that she was capable of feeling horrible without his help.

Since she had been at work the whole morning, she decided to leave early too. A market run was needed anyways since her food supply was running slightly low. Ahsoka also needed more glass cleaner and a few other cleaning supplies. Not to mention, after Saturday, her medical supplies needed replenishing. Jake had taken a large chunk of what she had. If only they weren't so expensive!

In the staff room, she pulled her bag from her locker and holstered her blaster on her hip. After it had malfunctioned with the thugs she had repaired it, but she was going to need a new one sooner or later because this one was falling apart. Buying a new one might have been cheaper than finding the parts to repair it.

She didn't have time to think about it though, because guess who decided to come back to agonize her?

"Leaving so soon?" Granger asked, blocking the door. "I wanted to have a little chat."

That would be the first time in a month, she wanted to say but chose not to. "About what?"

He grinned. "About you, and the Jedi. Tell me, why not go running back to the Order? Why stay here, where no one else likes you?"

"Believe it or not, the Jedi Order doesn't want me back. They expelled me, and I left," she explained. Actually, Ahsoka was pretty sure he already knew, but talking about it was better than the stink eye she had been getting for four days.

Granger seemed to think that was hilarious. "You're not even good enough for them! What the hell did you do that not even the Jedi would take you back?"

"What did the Jedi do that you think so lowly of them?" She asked in return since everyone and their droid knew what she had done.

"What didn't they do?" he retorted, caught off guard by the question, but not unprepared. "Always fighting, and going to God knows where poking their noses in other people's lives."

Ahsoka had five different responses that would have gotten her punched, most of which were along the lines of 'Look who's talking'. "Has it ever crossed your mind that they might be trying to help?"

Clearly not. "Trying to help ruin my life? Yeah. The world would be better off without them."

"So you're trying to get rid of them, starting with me," she concluded. "It makes sense. I'm the only ex-Jedi without a lightsaber."

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