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Many other dares and truths came to follow but mostly dares. Ahsoka never chose dare, but she was brilliant at coming up with them. She made Jackson balance a glass of water on his head, Jake swallow a handful of pepper, and she even convinced Journey to let Thyla 'decorate' his face with makeup she had in her bag. When Vam walked by with their food and saw it, he nearly dropped his tray.

Ahsoka's burger was pretty good. It had a few additions that tasted questionable, but she really liked the meat in it. She compared it to some of the other meals on the menu and decided what she would try the next time she had the chance.

The rest of the building was full the entire night. People were laughing, talking, eating, some of them drinking, which Ahsoka couldn't do quite yet. Multiple television sets were tuned to different channels, but none of them seemed to be showing pod races. Maybe that was a good thing, though. Ahsoka only ever watched those with Anakin at Halda's.

The Gauges and Gears staff was about to ask for dessert when all of the channels were switched to a news program. The volume was turned up, so no one could miss it. Some of the customers close to the speakers covered their ears, but the other conversations died down as soon as they saw on the screen: 'BREAKING NEWS!!!' Even the chefs and waiters kept an ear open as they worked.

Two reporters filled the screen, sitting at a desk with microphones. The female on the right starting speaking first. "Just in from the Senate Building, the appointment of the new Chancellor has been completed. Elias James is reporting from the surface."

The scene switched, and people started whispering in hushed voices. Ahsoka didn't bother but listened intently so she wouldn't miss a detail.

"Over the last few days," Elias began, "the members of the Senate have been working diligently to decide what action ought to be taken about the vacant Chancellor position."

A drunk customer shouted out "Yeah, right!" Some people laughed while others shushed him.

"Over the course of the week, nominations were given for the position of Chancellor. Kayla Kanai of Onderon, Bail Organa of Alderaan, and Padmé Amidala of Naboo received seconded nominations."

At the mention of the Nabooian senator, the restaurant rose in cheers. Clearly, she was a crowd favorite.

"Senator Amidala, however, refused the nomination."

Nearly everyone groaned and complained an instant later. Ahsoka had to strain to hear the reporter go on.

Elias, who couldn't hear the disapproval through the screen, went on. "The majority vote landed on Kayla Kanai, the previous senator of Onderon. Once she was named Chancellor, she gave this address to the Senate."

The camera switched to the new Chancellor. "The Republic and the Separatists have been in battle long enough. We now know that Palpatine was feeding the war from both sides, and as he did so, was gaining power in the Senate. The first step to undoing the hurt he caused will be to re-examine the powers recently delegated to the Chancellor over the course of the past four years. I may not have been in this Senate for long, but I doubt that all of the emergency war powers have good intentions.

"The war itself, however, is a different matter. I believe that the Republic has addressed it in the wrong way thus far. We have been so focused on winning the Clone War when we should have been trying to end it."

A chorus of drunk approval came from several tables. Chancellor Kanai went on.

"For too long, the battle has been at a standstill. With the rise of the Inquisitor, who was a traitor to the Separatists, we have realized that the outcome of the war is not set in stone. As it drags on, it only hurts the civilians in more ways than one. Their houses have been destroyed, their homes obliterated, and occupied by soldiers and droids. They pay taxes to fund our ships and our weapons, and in turn, sleep in fear of early death. Therefore, as your Chancellor, my first proposal is that we disengage the Separatists for the present, and instead set up protection around our systems. I say we use the funds given to us by our people back to them. I want to start a program to begin rebuilding what has been destroyed in the past four years, and that starts with the homes of the civilians. If we don't protect our own, we won't have anything left to fight for."

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