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When Fuller walked out of the room, he looked behind him at the door. So that's the girl, he thought. He had heard about the Jedi Gone Rogue, just like everyone else had. Sure, it had been a year, but something like that was hard to forget. Nearly every civilian knew the story about Ahsoka Tano.

Fuller walked back to his office, slumping into his chair. He looked out the window, which looked over the workshop. He watched four of his seven mechanics work on various products that had been brought in and left for repairs. The other three would probably come in later that day, but it was pretty early in the workday so he forgot about it.

Someone knocked on his door, and he sighed before calling out, "Come in!" One of his clerks, Leslie Drega, stepped out from behind the door.

"Hey, boss, I was just wondering if you caught the girl who left the message." She stepped inside and walked up to his desk.

"She's working the simulation right now," he answered her. "You heard who it was?"

Leslie nodded and leaned close, whispering. "Is it really that Jedi that left? The Togruta?"

Fuller shrugged his shoulders. "Looks like it. I never knew she could work with tools, but I guess the Jedi have their secrets."

"So can she really, like, you know..." she lowered her voice even more. "...use the Force?"

"How am I supposed to know, Drega, I just met her! I haven't seen her lift anything with her mind yet."

"Well I just thought since she left, maybe she lost her powers, or..."

Fuller rolled his eyes. "If you want to go in and ask her, you can after she's done on the simulator." He rolled his chair closer to his desk. "What do I have to sign off on today?"

Leslie took a look at the tablet in her arms. "A full turbine set, 24 speeder batteries, and Jake finally put in the order for that new workbench he's been complaining about for so long."

"About time," he grumbled, opening his computer and scanning the forms himself. "Just those three?"

"That's all I've got," Leslie answered. "Unless you have your heart set on the Jedi, then you need to submit the contract to the feds."

Fuller waved her off. "I got it, Drega. Hey," he called, as she started to walk away. "Remember, I need an inventory of the pantry done by tonight. If someone isn't busy, get them on it."

"Yes, boss," Leslie answered, and she walked out and shut the door behind her. She grumbled as she walked down the hall since inventory was the least favorite part of her job.

Fuller watched the door after it closed, not letting the smirk he felt coming on his face. He wasn't very vocal about it, but he knew he had the best employees in the Lower Levels working for him. Drega, Jackson, Oura, and Tyme worked the front desk, and Granger, Journey, Wheeler, Luce, Morola, Devon, and Nox worked the shop. He consistently called them by their last name to try and keep the place professional, but he was proud of all of them. Most of them had been on for a few years at least, and it had hit the whole crew hard when Frand let them know he was moving up to the surface. Fuller hoped he was enjoying himself up there, but he knew he was blowing all of his competition out of the water.

He wallowed in his memories for a moment longer, then pulled up the tab on his screen for the security cameras. He opened the camera in the sim room, and he watched Ahsoka Tano for a few seconds, with the audio off. Who knew, if she was up for it and if she was good, maybe he would hire on an ex-Jedi. That would be a first.


Ahsoka turned to the large simulation machine, pressing the activation button. A screen lit up on her right, and Ahsoka walked to stand in front of it. It asked for her name, and Ahsoka typed it in, making sure she didn't accidentally misspell it. Then it asked for a picture. Ahsoka was starting to wonder what this was for, but she let the machine take her picture all the same.

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