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The nightmares came back on Wednesday night. She may have cut herself off from the Force, but that clearly didn't matter to her subconscious. She woke up screaming again just after two in the morning, and she knew there was no going back to sleep. Ahsoka didn't want to be stuck in her house until she needed to be at work, so she decided to head to the Chasm.

There wasn't much to do other than sit and watch people pass by, but it was better than nothing. She munched on some fruit while she kept track of what she saw. The morning's entertainment was eight drug deals, five drunkards, two of which nearly fell off of the walkway, fourteen black market transactions, twenty-eight bounty hunters (none of which were after Ahsoka, thankfully), and a yodeling seventy-something-year-old man who was probably high on death sticks.

When she finally walked into work, Fuller was just unlocking the back door. She was the first one in and this did not go unnoticed.

"Someone's early," he remarked, and Ahsoka shrugged.

"Couldn't sleep. I figured I might as well get to work," she explained. "Did anything big come in overnight?"

Fuller chuckled. "Just a regular, they need a tune-up. They've gotten pretty fond of your work, though, Tano."

She didn't know how to respond to that, other than, "Then I must be doing something right."

Ahsoka clocked in and got to work. She decided to do the ship first, and then move on to regular products. This ship in particular didn't have a hyperdrive, and it seemed more like a luxury ship than something that was actually used for travel or work. The inside certainly looked fancier than nearly all other ships Ahsoka had come across in the shop. Maybe there's a Senator who is trying to save credits on a repair job, she reasoned.

This ship had clearly never tried to make any complicated maneuvers or tried to push the limits of the engine because little to no stress showed on the parts. Nothing was wearing down or really needed replacing. There was probably someone who regularly took care of the engine when it wasn't in use. This person could clearly afford to hire such a worker.

All Ahsoka had to do was double-check that everything was in place, change the oil, replenish the coolant, and a few other maintenance things. What confused her was that they were fairly simple procedures, things that a hired mechanic could surely do. With the condition the rest of the engine was kept in, why was it being sent down to the Lower Levels? Couldn't surface mechanics do the same things?

She was still contemplating the thought when she noticed something in the cooling system. Part of what Ahsoka had to do was make sure that the filter system was operational, but a small piece of paper had been rolled up and tucked into a crevice where it wasn't damaging the system, but it was definitely out of place. Ahsoka pulled it out and set it aside, and finished cleaning the screen before opening it. Maybe someone had lost it?

When she opened it, though, it was clearly not lost, but aimed at someone. The name at the top of the paper kind of gave it away, especially since it was her name.


"I'm not entirely certain that this will reach you, but I figured it was worth a shot. If you aren't Ahsoka Tano, but you know where to find her, please pass this along.

"I was going through Kayla Kanai's old inventory (she's Chancellor now, I don't know if you heard) because she was disposing of a few things she didn't need. For some reason, she was getting rid of this ship. I figured I could put it to use, but that's not the point. I went through the old repair logs, and when I looked into the company she used to go to for tune-ups, it led me to your shop. Your name was on the Holosite I found, so I wanted to try to reach out to you.

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