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By Friday morning, Ahsoka felt like she was starting to get the hang of civilian life. It was probably way too early to say this, but she had gotten into a routine of waking up, going to work, coming home, and trying to figure out how 'taxes' and 'bills' worked. Then she would have and dinner, usually something hot and cooked or baked, clean up a little bit, and meditate before going to bed. For week one, it was pretty good.

One of the reasons Ahsoka had come to like where she lived was that she actually wasn't living in an apartment. It looked like one, to be sure, but she actually owned this part of the building. She had to pay for water, plumbing, and electricity every month, as well as renovate if she wanted it, but after asking Leslie and Jake about it, it seemed like a much better option than rent.

She had decided to reset the lock on her door to Rex's number as well. It was easier to remember since she used the code for work too. It actually looked a little old and needed replacing, but she had put it on her list of things to save for since she hadn't figured out how much her bills and taxes would end up costing, and she hadn't gotten paid yet. Wheeler had told her that Friday was payday, so hopefully, she would figure that out too.

On the brighter side, Ahsoka could now sprint if she so chose. Her saber cut had been scabbed over for a while, but it was starting to flake off. It healed a lot slower than wounds used to since she wasn't living in the Temple. The Light Side of the Force was strong there, so it promoted healing easily. She was managing, though, and she could probably fight in melee combat now. Even right now, while she was a bit rusty, she would be fine.

She had gotten jumped a few times on her way to and from work. Two of the times had been in the Chasm, and once was out on the street. The street fight had actually been a gang, but Ahsoka had shot them all down, stunning them. Actually, one of the times, her blaster had jammed, and she had to improvise, but that wasn't important.

Work was enjoyable, especially since being a mechanic was starting to come extremely naturally. Now that she was a little more used to home appliances, versus ships and tanks, she was getting a lot of repairs done and quickly. Some of the customers with memberships left reviews on their items, and all of the reviews for Ahsoka's work had been positive. Dealing with her coworkers was a little...interesting at times, but she was forming friendships with some of them. Wheeler, Rya, and Luce especially seemed to be fond of her. Ahsoka wondered if it was because they were all aliens.

That was something else Ahsoka had looked into. Almost two-thirds of Coruscant's population was human, according to last year's census. It was a lot for her head to wrap around if she was honest, but she tried not to let it bother her.

Granger had basically avoided her the whole week. Ahsoka didn't really mind, since she had no idea what she would say to him anyway. The rest of the workers at Gauges and Gears were friendly, to some degree. Nox had barely spoken to her since the first day she had worked, but Ahsoka chose not to take it personally. Everyone else had struck up a conversation with her at least once over the last four days.

About halfway through the day, Ahsoka ran out of copper wires to use as replacements. She ran down to the garage to grab another set for her workbench and noticed that Thyla was searching for something too.

"What are you looking for?" Ahsoka asked, tucking the box of wires under her arm.

Thyla checked the label on a bin of washers and scowled. "Spark plugs. I think we might be out, though."

Ahsoka turned to scan the shelves to help her search. She saw the bin for them on the top shelf and climbed up the frame to grab them. That was another accomplishment in the last week: she was starting to fight back her instincts to use the Force. So far, she hadn't slipped up since the time with Wheeler on the first day.

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