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Author's Note: This arc (8.7) is going to be pretty intense the whole way through. It refers to rape and violence, although I never directly write the scene out. If you do not feel comfortable reading this, I encourage you to skip this arc and move on to 8.8.1. Thank you for understanding, and being considerate of those who may be triggered by this content. Lots of love <3

Not much changed the following week. Ahsoka still got up early in the morning, ate breakfast, and went to work as soon as Fuller opened the back door. She would work until about noon, have lunch, work some more, then go run any errands she needed that day. Sometimes it was a market run, or once she finally picked up the cleaning and medical supplies. Then she would go home, eat again, and do some housework before bathing and going back to bed. It was pretty rhythmic, but it began to remind Ahsoka of her days as a Youngling.

Every day back then had the same basic components, with a few tweaks each day. As a Padawan and a commander every day had been different but before that? Just the same old, same old. The only difference over time was that Ahsoka's fighting skills got better as she got older. Other than the unique lessons, she saw the same initiates training to become Jedi just like she was. Ahsoka wondered what they thought of her now. She had barely seen them since she had left, but then again, that went for pretty much everyone in the Temple.

On Wednesday of the next week, though, Ahsoka's computer began beeping at her, telling her that she was getting a call from one of the offices. It was more convenient than them coming all the way to the shop. She answered the call, and it was actually Fuller who called.


"Yes, boss?" She answered, raising her goggles so she could see a little more clearly. She had been using the welding torch, and even though she didn't think she would burn herself, it never hurt to be safe.

"We just had a ship dropped off, but I don't know if you heard over the music blasting in there."

That was another one of the things Ahsoka had been forced to adjust to: the other shop workers loved to play music very loudly. It wasn't the type of music Ahsoka had heard at galas or parties, so she didn't know any of it.

She shook her head. "I didn't. Is the file already in the system?"

"Should be. This is a returning customer. Their hyperdrive needs work, and they want an engine tune-up while you're at it. Finish what you're working on, then get to it."

Ahsoka nodded, and Fuller ended the call. As she returned to her welding job, she couldn't help but grin just a little bit. It felt like a long time since she had gotten her hands on a hyperdrive or a ship engine. That was what she felt most comfortable working with, and if she was honest, she was excited to get back into her true element. If only Artoo were here to help here, then it would be like she was back on the cruiser again.

When she walked down to the garage, carrying her tools with her, she passed Luce and Jake walking out of the same door. "Check it out, we got a ship in there," the Rhodian pointed behind him.

Ahsoka nodded. "That's what I'm coming in for. How bad is it?"

Jake shrugged. "Dunno. I don't work with full ships."

Well, that's helpful.

She walked in and evaluated the look from the outside. The paint job looked a little worn, but it was in pretty good shape, otherwise. It wasn't as sleek or fancy as the ships Ahsoka had worked with in the military, but it did look a little more cared for. The Republic and Separatist ships were made on an assembly line, and most of them looked similar. This one was obviously dear to the owner and was a little more unique.

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