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At seven in the morning, Ahsoka's communication console went off. Since she had been up for half the night, unable to sleep, she heard it and answered the call on the third ring. It was her first call since she had moved in underground.

It was just an audio call, but it was Fuller, from Gauges and Gears. "Tano?"

"Yes, boss?" She responded, remembering what he had asked her to call him from Saturday.

"Your paperwork went through, I got the confirmation overnight. If you're ready to go, you can come in today and start working. Rya offered to walk you through the first half-hour or so, and then Wheeler will check in with you as you go. Sound good?"

Ahsoka nodded, even though the hologram feature wasn't activated so he couldn't see her. "Absolutely! I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Come in through the front door," he instructed. "Rya will be waiting for you there."

"Got it," Ahsoka said, severing the call and grabbing her bag, which she had packed a few hours ago out of boredom. She slid her blaster in her new holster and ran out the door. Time to go back to the Chasm.

Breaking out into a run, she let herself enjoy her returned physical ability. It was so good to be able to move again, and her side was getting better every day. Her muscles and her body fat was finally starting to return after being sapped by the Dark Side of the Force. It was getting harder to see her ribs now, and Ahsoka was thrilled. Eating food again, especially real food, was making all of the difference. No more rations for her.

When she approached the grate to the Chasm, she looked around and made sure no one was looking. Ahsoka slid down into the tunnel again and followed it to the old shaft, her footsteps a little more sure this time. She still marveled at the tremendous cliff, but climbed up a level all the same and kept going. She had five minutes before she was supposed to meet Rya, the last clerk whom Ahsoka hadn't met yet.

It took a little bit to get from the Chasm to Gauges and Gears, but she made it with time to spare. The front door was locked again, but a blue Twi'lek woman was waiting inside for her. That must be Rya. She was a Twi'lek! Ahsoka wasn't altogether sure why, but she was excited to meet her when she saw what species she was. Maybe it was because most of the people on Coruscant were human. Only Wheeler and L...Luce? What that the Rhodian's name? Anyways, only they were alien species among the staff at the shop.

The Twi'lek, Rya, opened the door, and Ahsoka stepped inside. "I'm guessing you're Tano?" Rya asked. "My name is Rya Oura. Sorry I wasn't here on Saturday to meet you."

"Don't worry about it," assured Ahsoka. "It's great to meet you. Ry'oura. That's kind of pretty."

Those few sentences lit up Rya's face. First off, Ahsoka's Twi'lek dialect was flawless, thanks to years of exposure to Jedi like Aayla Secura. Secondly, she understood that Twi'leks' true full names were a combination of their 'first' and 'last' name, something that most other species weren't aware of. Rya instantly decided that she liked this girl, no matter what else she had heard from the local media.

"Have you been to Ryloth?" She asked, her eyes lighting up. "How did you know that?"

Ahsoka shrugged. "A couple of times. I've met other Twi'leks before. Do you just go by Rya most of the time, then?"

"Yeah, it's easier for the others." She glanced back behind the counter, at the door leading to the rest of the building. "Which reminds me, we better get started. We open to the public in half an hour. This way."

Rya led Ahsoka back to a new room, one she hadn't seen earlier. On the wall were twelve lockers, each numbered and locked by a standard keypad. Locker 7's door was open.

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