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Wheeler stood up and walked over to the lockers, which was buried underneath a pile of decorated gifts. "When we were thinking about gifts, we remembered that you just moved down here, so some of this is more practical than fun. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't think I'm in a place to judge either way," she admitted, and Wheeler chuckled as she tossed a small box to Ahsoka.

"Happy birthday, Tano," she said smiling. Ahsoka grinned back and looked down at the box.

Hesitating, she asked "Is it wrong to rip the paper?"

Everyone shook their heads. "That's the fun part!" Luce told her, so she tore into the wrapping.

A small, unmarked box barely larger than her hand fell into her lap. She opened the flap on the end and slipped the contents into her palm, which were a small booklet and a small device wrapped in plastic bubbles of air. Ahsoka discarded the booklet and opened the bag, not expecting a comlink to rest inside of it.

She pulled it out and examined it in amazement. It was much more sophisticated than the ones she had used as a Jedi, although she was sure it wasn't linked to the Republic's network. It was also silver and sleek, much more fancy than her old ones.

Ahsoka held it up to Wheeler. "How in blazes did you manage to get this?"

Wheeler smirked, just a little bit proud. "I told you, my parents live in the fast lane. After pulling a few strings, it wasn't a problem. Do you like it?"

"Of course I do! I'm going to have to figure out how to use this one, though." She glanced at the booklet, but decided to worry about it later and put everything back in the box. "Thank you."

Journey stood up next. "Thyla and I worked together on our gift, if that's all right." He lifted a much larger box and set it on the table. Ahsoka had to stand up to open it.

Inside was a metal case, lined with orange seals. The labeling on the outside was plain and simple: 'Advanced Mechanical Set.'

"It's always nice to have your own set of tools," Thyla told her. "We figured no one else would have an orange set, so you won't have a problem keeping track of them either."

"No kidding," Ahsoka commented, opening the case. The rubber grips on the tools were fresh and unworn, unlike the ones she had been using. "Even with gloves on, the shop tools have been hurting my hands."

"We figured," Journey bragged, and Ahsoka giggled. "Happy 18, Tano."

"Thank you, both of you," Ahsoka told them. She set it on the floor, so it wouldn't take up table space.

Rya handed her a bag instead of a box. "It's not much, but it might come in handy."

Ahsoka took out the pink paper stuffing the top and pulled out a plastic box, packed to the brim with needles, thread, cloth, and a few other things she didn't recognize.

"I've found that it's a lot cheaper to patch up old clothes than to buy new ones," Rya explained. "Since you've only been down here a month, I hoped it might help a little bit."

"Have you seen the knees in these pants?" Ahsoka asked, and showed her knee to prove the point. "They're already wearing thin. This is perfect. Arni, Ry'aura."

Rya smiled at hearing her native language again. Jackson grumbled in the corner, "It's not fair. You guys could be talking smack about us and we would never even know."

"Well, if you learned a language other than Basic," Ahsoka retorted, "then it wouldn't be a problem."

Jackson flushed beet red as Jake handed her a flimsy package, wrapped in paper again. "Courtesy of a buddy of mine, Happy Birthday, surfacer."

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