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More time went on, forming a rhythmic pulse in Ahsoka's mind. She became stronger, more comfortable, more friendly, and more bored.

Not that the people around her were boring. In fact, her colleagues were the most interesting thing in her day unless the occasional thug decided to try and rob her. Rya, in particular, was making more conversation than ever. Behind closed doors, she would give Ahsoka, or as she was known now by, Tano updates on how her mother was doing.

"She's moving more often now," she told her a few days after the visit. "Her big cuts and bruises are a little sore still, she says, but all of the small ones are healing fast. That cream you brought is working wonders."

"Have you gone in to the Department of Licensing yet?" She asked, and Rya nodded, looking around to make sure no one else was listening.

"The day after you came, I went. They told me it would take a while as you said, but at least we got started." Rya looked down. "The only thing is that Mom will have to back to work soon. I almost wish she wasn't healing."

Normally, Ahsoka would question why someone would not want to work, but not with Rya's mother. She just nodded, and they both went back to their jobs.

Ahsoka had grown fond of the job itself, too. Except for the regular prods and pokes from Granger, Tano was accepted into the workforce and became known for her quick work and her dependability. The customer who had dropped off his ship for repairs gave a wonderful review on the shop website, and within a week, a new customer came in, saying that the first one had recommended that he stop by. He dropped off his own ship, and a few days later, he actually called Fuller and reported that his ship was working better than it had in months. Already, the community around Gauges and Gears was adapting to Ahsoka. If anyone remembered who she had been, they didn't bring it up.

Fuller had been keeping an eye on Ahsoka too. He made sure that she was transitioning well, and Ahsoka suspected that he was encouraging Wheeler to do the same. Now that she had a steady paycheck coming in she was feeling a little more relaxed, much more than she had in the past year.

The only problem? As soon as work was over, she was bored out of her mind.

She had eaten out again with the others, but it was expensive, and Ahsoka knew that eating at home was better for her diet. She had explored the Chasm a little bit more, but the majority of people there felt dangerous to Ahsoka, and she didn't want to pick a fight with any of them. Even with her blaster, she wasn't keen about messing with bounty hunters if she didn't have to. Cleaning the house definitely had its reward, but there was only so much of the house to clean. She was already working over 42 hours a week at the shop, so she wanted to find something else to fill her time, but so far, she hadn't found anything.

Ahsoka had tried to avoid meditating, except for her usual sessions at night. All she normally felt was herself, a hyper-active presence amongst the sea of non-sensitive civilians. This would have been fine, but Ahsoka wasn't trying to fend off Darkness every night or learn how to become a stronger Jedi either. All there was to feel was walls, and people, and flickering lights out on the street. There wasn't any wildlife or nature to connect with, no new sights to see or challenges to face. Her 'training' on Dromund Kaas had kept her occupied enough, but now? She had nothing to focus on. Nothing except herself, and she was getting tired of herself.

She finished wiping down the counter and flopped on the couch, groaning at her own sense of uselessness. She needed to find a way to engage herself, but when she tried to come up with ideas, her mind blanked. It was like she was trying to speak with someone on a comlink and all she was getting back was static.

If only I could just run away, to somewhere different, she thought. I'm so tired of seeing the same streets every day.

...Well, she couldn't run away, but she could run. Nothing was stopping her from doing that.

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