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Ahsoka drew her blaster on instinct, trying to pop off a few shots before the terrorists got too close to her. It was no good, though, her blaster broke again. Instead of a blaster bolt, all that came out when she pulled the trigger was a puff of smoke.

She looked back to Granger, trying to see if he had a weapon she could use, but either it was in his bag or he didn't have one. He looked at her expecting her to take action, but she had no time. The terrorists shoved her chair out to the side and dragged her against the wall with the others.

At least she was with them. The terrorists could only do so much if she was between them and the civilians, at least by melee combat. With their blasters, though?

She clenched her fists. Ahsoka did not use the Force anymore. She couldn't deflect fire, she couldn't damage their weapons, and she couldn't put distance between the two parties. Her experience could probably save her, but what about the fifty other people in the room? Most of them, like Granger, were unarmed and would be vulnerable to whatever these people had in store for them. 

Despite not being a Jedi, Ahsoka couldn't leave innocents in danger. It went against every moral in her, no matter who she was. So long as there was one civilian in danger here, she couldn't leave.

But what can I do?  she thought. I have no weapons, no abilities, and no backup. The clones won't get here for minutes at least, and I can't keep everyone alive until then.

She could call them, though. While the terrorists were dragging people to join her against the wall, she discreetly called the emergency number for the Lower Levels. When the call connected, she did not wait for the dispatcher to ask her what was wrong. She told them the location of the building, and added that "multiple assailants are endangering civilians." She immediately ended the call before anyone could notice what she had done. If they had to, the clones could trace the call to find her.

Judging from the last break-in she had experienced, she had about ten minutes to stall before the clones arrived. She had to keep everyone in the room alive for ten minutes. How?

Well, there's always the failsafe, a voice suggested to her.

Not again, she thought. Not right now!!

In an instant, she felt both sides of the Force rise up in her, like candles on the verge of lighting her fuse. The powers she had held down for two weeks were taking over again, and she heard voices in her head battling each other.

If you can't let these people die, then do what you must! 

I'm supposed to protect people, not hurt them!

You are not a Jedi.

I can't let them die, though.

So don't!

I can't control the Force! The last time I tried to, I could have killed Granger.

But you didn't. Besides, he was asking for it.

No one deserves that kind of pain. I can't chance that happening again. 

You don't have any other options. It's this or nothing.

No! There has to be another way! I'm not that desperate!

They are. Are you willing to do what it takes to save them?

How is the Dark Side of the Force going to save them?

Oh, and you trust the Light?


It seems to be doing a lot of good to you right now.

SHUT UP! She screamed internally, clenching her head and trying to silence the voices of the Force. JUST STOP AND LET ME FOCUS!!!

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