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Normally, Ahsoka wasn't one to people watch, but tonight she made an exception. On Coruscant, there was always something to look at, and more times than not those things weren't things, but people.

Peering through the fancy shroud that surrounded the surface, she observed many of the same things that she would have in the Lower Levels. Drunks yelling obscenities, upper-class citizens pushing around the others, clones trying to control the chaos (although that didn't really happen below ground). The only difference was that everything was dialed up a couple of notches.

After a while, Ahsoka figured she ought to go back home. She was working tomorrow, and it would do anyone any good if she didn't sleep. She let herself walk instead of run, drinking in the air before she got to the shaft. She probably wouldn't be back for a while. The 'Jedi Gone Rogue' might cause a scene, and the last thing she wanted to attract unwanted attention from Tyrannus.

She was halfway back to the shaft when she heard something slam into metal. Ahsoka's hearing sharpened, and she heard grunts coming from the same direction. Not a good sign. She followed the sounds, which led her to a small back alley between two buildings on the outskirts of the city.

From so high up, no one on the ground would notice her unless they happened to be Force-sensitive. From her high ground, she caught a glimpse of a few men in their thirties crowding around a corner. They were dressed somewhat decently, but their faces clearly indicated that they weren't interested in gambling. At least, not with money. Other people's lives, maybe.

Ahsoka didn't hesitate before landing on the street level about ten meters behind the group. She listened in to their conversation while she figured out the fastest way to deal with them.

One in the middle, probably the leader, crouched down and jeered. "Didn't your family teach you better than to get separated?" His followers laughed and rallied him on. "Now they're going to have to pay the price to get you back. You really think they'll pay up?"

"They're gonna kick your balls," a stubborn but weak voice retorted, and the men roared at their bravery. A child. They're picking on a child. That's not just mean, that's cowardly.

The leader stood up straight and kicked whoever they had cornered, and a high howl pierced the laughter. "How about we take you with us, and see if there's anything left for your precious friends after we're done?"

That was enough for Ahsoka. "How about you have a little honor and fight like men, for once," she shot at their backs, and every head turned to face her. "Let's see if there's anything left of you after I'm done?"

Ahsoka felt her snippy attitude return, and she felt a grin sneak onto her face. She loved fighting no-good bullies. She never felt bad about hurting them, although killing would probably be pushing the limits.

Her 'fight like men' comment did not go unnoticed. She saw them draw themselves up and puff out their chests, but she wasn't impressed. The leader, who had been mildly stunned that someone had found them out, quickly regathered himself and sneered.

"Those are strong, fighting words from someone who's outnumbered 10 to 1," he countered, abandoning the child in favor of dealing with the new threat. "You wanna fight? It ain't gonna be fair."

"Oh, you're right," Ahsoka laughed. "Maybe if there were double of you, you might actually stand a chance!"

The leader cracked his knuckles. "I gave you a chance to walk away, alien scum. You're asking for it."

What Ahsoka was 'asking for,' she didn't really know, because this guy was clearly in over his head. His followers advanced behind him, egging on their leader, but Ahsoka saw his punch coming from a lightyear away if it could even be considered a punch. It was slow and sloppy, and Ahsoka could have dodged it with her eyes shut. She ducked under his fist and looped her own arm around his, elbowed his side, his gut, and socking his jaw for good measure. Letting him go, she jumped and roundhouse kicked him in the head to finish the job.

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