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As they walked, Ahsoka began to talk about the sky, trying to be as specific as possible. She tried to remember that they knew next to nothing about atmospheres, or stars, or planets, or anything really. It was her turn to be the expert and their turn to learn from her.

"Our planet revolves around a star called the sun of our solar system. Every time it rises makes the beginning of a new day, although technically it starts in the middle of the night. That's what defines our time system, even underground where we can't see a difference."

"Well, that makes sense," Jake laughed. "The light never changes underground. We need lamps everywhere just to see where we're going."

Ahsoka nodded back at him. "Exactly. That's not the case up here, though. You'll see."

Rya looked confused. "I thought you said those things up there were stars. Is the sun also a star?"

"Yes, but it is much, much closer. So close that when we can see it, the sun actually warms our planet."

Luce's eyes went wide. "So we're going to burn up here?"

Shock crossed a few other faces, but Ahsoka shook her head. "If that were the case, no one would live here."

"Quick question," Tyme raised a hand. "Whenever I see pictures of the surface, the sky is blue. Why is it black right now?"

Ahsoka racked her brain for the easiest way to explain. "Well, the air creates something called the atmosphere. When the light from the sun, or our star, hits it, it distorts it, and the sky looks blue. It's just that right now, the sun is too far that way," she pointed towards the east. "The planet has to rotate so we face the sun before the sky turns blue. Also, we can't see the stars during the day, because the sun is so bright, so get a good look before that happens."

"And how do you know all of this?" Jackson asked, but Wheeler scoffed.

"Anyone who grew up on the surface knows these things," she explained, a bit bored. "Even if they don't know the sciencey part of it. It's just common sense."

Journey glared back at her. "Sorry, we don't normally know things about places we've never been to."

"Easy, guys," Ahsoka told them. "Besides, we're here."

They all stopped by a ladder leading up to the roof of a building. They were over a kilometer from the edge of downtown, so it was fairly quiet over here. It was also as far east as Ahsoka was willing to take them before they started getting close to dangerous areas.

"Three at a time on the ladder," she instructed them. "I'll stay at the bottom to catch anyone that might fall. The first people to the top, help the person behind you."

Wheeler scaled the ladder first. Granger went up behind her, waiting until she was up about three meters to start. The building was five stories high, and although it was nothing to her, Ahsoka could see the doubt in a few people's faces. 

Nox leaned over to her. "Is there a...an elevator or-or something?"

She rested a hand on his shoulder. "If you don't want to climb, I can use the Force to lift you up, along with anyone else who doesn't want to risk falling."

Leslie and Jake stood over by her when they heard that, while the others continued to climb. When Luce, the last one up, disappeared over the edge of the roof, Ahsoka followed him up, leaving the other three on the ground. At the top, the other eight were already spreading out blankets and prepping food, but Ahsoka stood on the ledge overlooking the street.

"Ready?" she called, and she could just barely see their heads nodding. 

"Hang on," Jackson told her, walking over. "I want to see this."

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