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Ahsoka spent the weekend much more relaxed after her talk with Granger. He was hurting, but he was okay and he wasn't mad at her. It was enough for now, and hopefully, he would heal.

She kept going back to 10-4 to train on using her flexibility like Tawnya wanted her to. She had also been working on using her agility and balance, even though both weren't up to her usual standard without the Force. They had figured out that if she managed to cling to the limb of an attacker and force them to carry all of her weight, she could catch them off guard every time. She had practiced on Obi and a few others that were unfortunate enough to pass by. Their shoulders were going to be sore for a day or two, but Ahsoka was better than ever. This was proof, proof that she didn't need the Force to fight.

She had to go back to work on Monday, though. Clocking in and getting to work, Ahsoka checked first for any ships that had come in. There was one that needed a thruster repair, but that was it.

Walking into the garage, she saw the last person she expected to be at work that early in the morning: Granger.

She raised an eye mark. "Well, someone's feeling better."

He rolled his eyes. "Watch it, Tano. No need to go all wishy-washy on me now."

"I genuinely do not know what that means."

He snorted, unable to keep up his guard. Ahsoka smiled, knowing that if he could laugh then he was making progress emotionally. He was nowhere near done, he couldn't be, but it was better than nothing.

Granger walked over to the door to the shop but paused before it opened. "Thanks again for dropping by last week. I owe you one."

She held up a hand. "You don't owe me anything. Just get to work before Fuller hunts me down to ask how it went."

He nodded and left without another word. Ahsoka just smiled and started dismantling the thruster.

Nearly an hour later, Ahsoka finished tightening the casing bolts when someone snuck up behind her. "Okay, what did you do?"

Ahsoka nearly threw the wrench back at the speaker, but stopped herself and instead contained her surprise to a jump. "Don't scare me like that!" She admonished, finally seeing who was it that had done so. It was Wheeler.

A laughing Wheeler. "I didn't think anyone could scare you. Is your power turned off or what?"

The Togruta returned to her work after glaring at her. "Something like that. It's complicated."

"Fair enough," Wheeler shrugged. "So what did you do to Granger?"

"What makes you think I had anything to do with it?" Ahsoka asked, even though she knew it was a stupid question because she had everything to do with it.

Wheeler wasn't buying it either. "Spill. What did you say to him?"

Ahsoka set the wrench down in her toolbox. "Did he tell you anything?"

Shaking her head, she replied, "Just that he needed some time off, and that's why he was gone."

"So nothing?"


"I figured out why he hasn't liked me all that much recently," Ahsoka answered honestly. "It turns out we've known the same person, and that was what had caused everything. We cleared it up last week."

"Huh," Wheeler responded, pulling her to her feet. "About time, honestly. Does this mean he's done glaring at you all the time?"

Ahsoka shrugged. "Maybe. Probably less than before, at any rate."

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