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With a place to go and fight, her life became a little less mundane and a little more productive. Every other day, she would drop by Nox's place bearing her new band with the gang's symbol, and spar with the people there. Sometimes she would take on Obi again, and a few times, she matched up against Tawnya. When they were both busy, she would meet someone new, and she would fight them too. She always won, but she didn't stop there. After every fight, she would ask her opponent to teach her something that she saw them do. Whether it was a move, or a technique, or a trick, it didn't matter, Ahsoka was just happy to be training again. It felt good to feel her blood pumping. Not to mention she finally figured out the gang's name: Rising Phoenix.

Over a month had passed now, and other than her occasional visits, she hardly ever went to the surface. She still indulged in nightly rooftop runs every so often but she never spoke with anyone up there. She did stop a few more raids and a couple of thieves, but that was as close to speaking as she got. Ahsoka still never strayed towards the Senate building or the Jedi Temple. After all, she had no reason to be at either place.

Her nightmares still persisted, though. Thankfully it wasn't nearly as often as before, but her past haunted her dreams, refusing to let her forget. She was getting better at recovering, which was good because if Anakin could feel her panicking he tried to help her calm down, and Ahsoka didn't want to bother him. She tried to do the same when she felt his stress as well.

Ahsoka took Saturday off like she normally did. It was nice to not have to work on weekends, and it gave her time to clean up, or take a run, or just go train if she felt like it. Today, she went back to the Department of Licensing and ordered an intersystem passport. It would take a few months for it to confirm, but now if she wanted to go and visit Naboo, or Alderaan, or Christophsis, or a hundred other systems besides, she could purchase a round trip ticket on the public passenger ships on the surface and go. As soon as it came in the mail.

Back at home, she opened up her planet projector from Jackson and stared at the galaxy again. With her HoloNet console next to her, she went through all of the systems, and made her own list of which systems were now Republic, now Separatist, and now neutral. The sides had changed a lot, especially the smaller systems, of which Sideous had influenced into joining one side or the other.

She smiled just a little bit when she remembered the backstory the Inquisitor had concocted for herself. Despite the lie about her 'master' dying and wanting revenge on the Chancellor (that part wasn't totally a lie), the part about Cato Neimoidia had been entirely true. Palpatine really had forced the system to join the Republic, even though it had no real reason to. Now without Palpatine in the way they had returned to neutrality, and for the better, in Ahsoka's opinion.

Halfway through the systems in the Inner Rim, her comlink went off on her wrist. Someone was calling her communications console. She accepted the call, smiling at Wheeler's gift, and watched as Fuller's face appeared in front of her.

The only problem? He was scared. Really scared.

"Tano, I need you to come into work today," he said quietly and hung up before Ahsoka could ask what was wrong. The call ended three seconds after it started.

It was enough for her. She shut off the projector and grabbed her blaster off the table. Not bothering to grab her bag, she darted off towards the Chasm and started running through the worst possible scenarios she would have to face.

If she was honest, the absolute worst thing that could happen was that Tyrannus had found her, and she was about to be taken back to Dromund Kaas. Anything short of that, she could deal with, but who knew what had happened to the others. Just because she could handle a situation didn't mean that her friends could, especially the ones who couldn't fight.

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