01 | Soulmate

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here's the long awaited first chapter in celebration of my hitting 300 followers. i decided to bump up when i would write it just to celebrate. i hope you all enjoy and highly anticipate the next chapter coming this weekend. [yeah, that's right, you're getting an extra chapter to start off your friday right.]

i've got another surprise for this book that i just need to type up. give me a minute and you guys are in for another treat!

comment, vote, share & stay tuned <3

comment, vote, share & stay tuned <3

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I walk down the halls of Foxfire, scanning faces and bumping into everyone I can. Hope leaps like a flame in my chest as I navigate my way through crowds to my next class.

I can't help but hope for them.

Everyone here sees class clown Keefe, the rebel jokester with flirting skills good enough to make girls swoon.

All I see is a boy trying to make his way through school without dying – this is survival. His ice blue eyes are cold on his face, scanning, scanning, scanning. His blonde locks are artfully styled to perfection with an over usage of hairspray.

Outside he's emotionless, but inside, emotion is all he is and ever will be.

Couples line the halls, happily chatting, kissing each other on the cheek. They work in perfect harmony, perfect synchronization, so in tune to everything they're feeling.

I want that. My chest tightens at the thought.

I turned seventeen just about six months ago. Seventeen, the birthday that makes you eligible to find your soulmate. To recognize them.

I bump into one more person, their face flying by as they make their way to class.

It's said that when you touch your soulmate, sparks fly. Only the first time you touch, though. When you're apart from them for more than a day, you feel like you want to throw up, or are nauseous.

It's really stupid to wish that you were nauseous, but I wish that I was.

Once you're ready to accept your soulmate, you link pinkies and kiss each other, which brands the other's initials on their pinkie. The feeling that comes with that is supposedly indescribable.

I want that.

Someone's pushed into me and nearly falls. I catch them and steady them before they can trip and fall on their face.

"Sorry!" a blushing girl yelps when she sees my face.

No sparks.

"Yeah, whatever," I mumble, all too aware that I'm not in the best mood. I continue making my way down the hall.

Maybe I'll never find my soulmate. Maybe that's not my fate.

The bell rings warningly overhead, cueing a chorus of slamming lockers filling the air. Students chatter as they rush to class with their friends.

I don't speed up my pace when class starts. Instead, I hurry to my favorite place in the hallway – my spot.

I easily locate the familiar blue lockers before the gym doors, ducking behind them. I flatten out my body between the lockers and the wall, sliding through the small squeeze. It's the small passageway to the one place in school that keeps me from going insane: my ditching spot.

The space opens up into a small lopsided square of space, gleaming tile. I sit down, pulling out my phone as I pop earbuds in.

I might be known to never do my homework – doesn't mean any of the rumors are true.

Not one of my friends knows about this place. I'm careful no one ever discovers that I'm here. It's quite the task when you've got a horde of fangirls that thinks you're cool and hot and want to marry you.

It's scary at times.

My pencil scratches into the paper as everything else fades into the dull background of school.

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now