05 | Killian

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an early update for all of you, loves. comment & vote & leave as much feedback as you can lol xx

 comment & vote & leave as much feedback as you can lol xx

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S o p h i e    F o s t e r

When I come to, I have no clue where in the great wide world I am. My eyes trace the light blue walls filled with facts about health and disease.

I seem to be in some sort of hard bed, laying down. My head is across a pillow of strange texture, with a paper pillowcase over top.

"Oh! You're awake," someone breathes from behind me, startling me enough that I would've jumped if I were on my feet.

I turn to see a woman dressed in a Nurse's uniform behind me. It all clicks into place: I was taken to the nurse's office. Details of the latest beating flood my head and I wince at the memory.

"How are you feeling?" the woman continues, in a soft, cheery voice. Her slight southern accent is barely detectable in her voice, but it's there. Her brown, frizzy hair has been straightened, and falls like a curtain in front of her face, complementing her dark skin tone.

I pause, before tentatively answering, "Like someone threw a rock at the side of my head and made a deep cut." My voice comes out in louder than I wanted, and I wince. Is this what it feels like to be hungover?

"The boy that brought you in did mention that you'd been dealt a blow to the head and probably had a concussion," the Nurse mused, typing something into the computer. "Either way, you're going home early today and missing class. You should see a doctor to make sure you don't have a concussion."

Normally the idea of missing class would've horrified me, but my body felt like it had died and resurrected.

Instead, I focused on another detail that she'd mentioned. "Wait, who brought me here?" I cringed at the thought of someone carrying me all the way here like a helpless damsel in distress.

"I'm terrible with names, but I believe his name was Killian Sencen? I could be wrong. He's quite the troublemaker, but was sweet, bringing you in here all anxious."

Well, that was reassuring. I would just have to look out for a Killian around school. I tried sitting up but groaned when my head throbbed at the sudden movement.

"I'm going to call up your parents and get them to take you home," she said, walking over to the phone. "You go get your things and meet me back here."

I nodded, grimacing at how much effort it took to stand. "Thank you, Nurse."

"Oh, please," she waved, the dial tone ringing lightly behind her voice. "Call me Physic, or Olivia, wait, no Livvy – if you will."

As I walked to get my things to go home, it struck me that she didn't ask about how it happened. A small sigh of relief blew threw my body at the thought. That was a whole 'nother issue I didn't even want to talk about.

I carefully retrieved my bookbag and textbooks, taking the bare minimum so that I wouldn't have to manage the weight.

By the time I made it back to the office, both of my parents were just pulling up outside of the school. I waved goodbye to Livvy and made my way into the car.

The moment I stepped inside, my mother, Edaline, interrogated me with questions.

"What happened? Do we need to see a doctor to make sure you don't have a concussion? How are you feeling? I'm not letting you out of my sight for the next twenty-four hours, okay? Okay."

As you see, my mother is very protective and can't stand to see people hurt. Her bluish green eyes are narrowed at me, her reddish-brown hair sitting on a bun on top of her head.

I turn towards the window with a sigh. I don't really want to have this conversation right now.

"Sophie Elizabeth Ruewen-Foster!" my mom barks at me, making me groan as my head throbs again at the volume of her voice. "Watch the attitude, young lady."

I turn back to her and start spilling my guts about today's events. My mind drifts to the boy that brought me in – I wonder what he looks like.

Driving home, on the road, everything just feels empty inside and I can't figure out why.

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now