08 | Nausea

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phew. i actually got the time to get an update in. sorry it's late, guys.

 sorry it's late, guys

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08 | Nausea

K e e f e   S e n c e n

My alarm rings, and I wake up feeling nauseous.

I'm extremely skeptical of this feeling, knowing what it could mean for me. I've never been more ready in my life to meet my soulmate. Somewhere in the world, they're experiencing the same feeling as me.

I take my temperature just in case, before getting ready quickly. It's fast, but I try to be neat, picking out my best clothes to wear.

First impressions count, I know.

I shovel breakfast down my throat right before I leave, texting our groupchat that my soulmate goes to the school. They know to look out for anyone that complains of feeling nauseous or that doesn't look well, I trust.

My mind wanders as I get in the car and drive to school, trying hard not to speed along the way. I meet the group at the normal meeting spot.

"Ayy, congrats dude," Fitz tells me when he spots, holding up his phone in greeting.

The rest of the group looks up, and Biana lets out a shrill squeal. "Keefe! I'm going to train you to be the perfect boyfriend. You're going to look amazing next to her in the wedding dress..."

She goes on and on, but all I hear is Fitz cracking a joke. "The next movie will be How to Train Your Boyfriend by Biana Vacker, everyone. The final to the saga: the perfect wedding."

"Trust her to have it all figured out," Linh says shyly.

Biana meets all of this with complaints, resting her hand on her hips. "Hey, it's not my fault I have the perfect matchmaking vision. And great sense of style to match," she winked, twirling in a circle and showing off the black maxi dress she was wearing.

Needless to say, we were laughing until the bell rang.

As I walked to my first period, I scanned every face in the hall, looking for anyone that I'd touched yesterday.

Disappointed was etched into my features as I reached my first class with Lady Belva – math. I was highly sure that she had a crush on me, and I suddenly regretted not ditching as the nauseous feeling filled my stomach.

I looked up, cringing as it was right into her eyes. I'd caught her staring at me. Again.

When other girls in the classroom noticed me, they causally groomed themselves, running their fingers through their hair to (in some cases) pulling their shirts down even lower to expose some slight cleavage. Did they really think that would ever impress me?

I raised my hand, knowing that Lady Belva was already staring at me with a smile.

"Yes, Keefe?" she cooed, puffing her chest out.

"I'm feeling nauseous, can I head to the nurse," I asked politely, not meeting her eyes.

"Of course, dear, whatever you need," she said, pouting.

I got out of there quick.

Part of me was tempted to actually head to the nurse, but I headed towards my ditching spot instead, sighing in relief at the solitude.

I wondered what she looked like. Or what he looked like. Would their skin be a dark shade, or a light shade. What color hair would they have? Would they have green eyes?

I had so many questions, and no one to answer them. I sighed as I went through faces of people I'd touched yesterday.

Was it my soulmate's birthday yesterday? Should I give them a gift?

When I thought about the incident and Sophie, I just wondered whether she was okay in the end.

It didn't cross my mind that she could be anything more.

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now