BC | Hip With the Kids

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before you get into this chapter, i just want to publicly say for any of you that aren't my followers on either account that i fully support #BLACKLIVESMATTER and highly encourage anyone with a platform to speak out during this time. it's simply not enough to be "not racist", you must be anti-racist. silence condones the human suffering going on around the world. systemic racism is an issue all over the world, so those of you that aren't from America - don't pretend this is completely irrelevant to you. just because there are protests going on in my country due to blatant murders and police brutality doesn't mean that your country is completely free of racism. i'll tell you right now, it's not. if you don't see the racism, you're not looking hard enough. take a step back, check yourself, and recognize your privilege.

for all of my African-American readers out there, please take care of your mental health. it's taking a toll on all of us, and i can't imagine how much of a toll it's taking on you. i know you're tired. stay strong, we're fighting with you. for anyone that has African-American friends or people they know, now is an AMAZING time to reach out and check up on them. if you don't show them that you care, they don't think you do. this is when they need you most. get out there and help. we're all human, and i think we can all collectively agree that no human should be suffering if we can do something about it, especially when the world is shoving this issue at the forefront of everything right now.

i've posted a website that links to everything you can do to help that's not watching youtube. if you can't afford to make a donation, consider signing petitions, texting numbers, calling, speaking out, spreading awareness, protesting (if you feel comfortable). if you don't have the means to do any of those things, watch Zoe Amira's youtube video (I recommend this one in particular, as it portrays a TON of gorgeous art by black creators) or another one that donates all ad revenue to black organizations. you can make a difference. if anyone else has any resources feel free to link them inline here.

i know this is such an uncomfortable topic, but it's very necessary to discuss. if we can afford to ignore it, we DESERVE to feel uncomfortable. imagine how the black community feels. right now they need allys, not people that will stay silent. now let's get into more chapter-related stuff.

this is, as requested, grady's take on the sophie/keefe proposal. i expanded on the idea a little bit, tho. i had a lot of fun writing this. it's 1198 words, so you're in for a treat! thank you so much for 700 followers, my wings. it's been super touching to see the growth you have allowed me. stay tuned for a HUGE surprise that will be coming soon, either this month or next month. it's big, so make sure you don't miss it 💕

this goes out to my African-Americans across the world. keep fighting. i promise we're here this time.

When Sophie had first told me that she had a soulmate, I frowned

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When Sophie had first told me that she had a soulmate, I frowned. When she told me that I had to accept him because he would one day be part of our family, I scoffed. When she proposed to him, my jaw was on the floor.

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now