14 | Be Okay

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Welp. Here goes your heart.

Sorry it's late, guys. I promise it's worth it tho. I did read back through it and try to make it perfect for you all. If you're lucky I'll be posting this weekend again so that I don't leave y'all hanging too badly...let's see how many comments we can rack up;)

I went to a concert last night and have been addicted to the Women's World Cup. How about you guys?

Not gonna lie, my friends were pretty excited when I told them about Sophie

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Not gonna lie, my friends were pretty excited when I told them about Sophie. Well, not everyone, but most people. I could tell that Fitz wasn't extremely with the idea of having a soulmate, but Biana was just over the moon for me.

Luckily, they got over it and stopped blowing up my phone around eighth period. Ninth was our free, though, so we all ended up hanging out anyways.

It was almost astonishing how many times throughout the day my mind drifted to Sophie. I found myself desperately wishing that I'd gotten her number so that I could text her and see how she was throughout the day. And that wasn't just with us being soulmates – I was pretty sure I was just thinking about her in general at this point. I zoned out frequently between classes, so much that my friends in class had gotten slightly annoyed at me a few times.

When I got to our study hall spot, outside by the bleachers, everyone was already there waiting. Marella was ignoring Fitz, who was using as many pickup lines as he could on her. Biana and Tam were glancing at each other when the other wasn't looking, which would've been sweet if Linh hadn't been in the middle of the two, fake gagging and telling them to get a room. In other words, a normal day with my friends.

Biana's in full gossip mode when I sit down, her eyes shining as she avidly explains to Marella what the drama is between some guy named Jensi and some girl. I instantly tune her out.

When Fitz sees me, he instantly stands up and we clap our right hands together and pull each other into a hug. It's the classic bro-shake. Tam and I just give each other nods, and the girls roll their eyes.

Biana keeps talking, "and then he heard that she insulted him, and just had to reply over text, and – "

"Did you guys hear about that girl that collapsed in the cafeteria today?" Fitz says, interrupting his sister, as he glances around the small group.

"Yeah, didn't she like," Marella pauses, "have to be rushed to the ambulance or something? That's what I heard."

"Whoa, really?" I interject; this having been the first time I'd heard of this particular rumor. "Was it serious?"

Linh smacks me on the arm, sending me a glare practically reading are you an idiot? "Of course, it was serious! She had to go to the hospital!" She turns back to the rest of the group; her gaze mainly focusing on Marella. "Is she okay? Who was she?"

"No clue," the blonde replies, casually toying with a lock of hair. "I heard it happened right after Keefe had left the cafeteria."

A feeling of dread starts to creep into my bones, and my first thought is instantly Sophie. I turn to Marella, looking at her rather intensely. "What did she look like?" I ask casually, trying not to let on how worried I am.

"I heard she was blonde, and had brown eyes," Biana says. She'd been uncharacteristically silent up until this point in the conversation. She gave me a look, and I realize that she probably just caught onto why I had asked the question. "She looked like the nerdy type, and apparently some redhead helped her up."

It took a moment for her words to sink in, but when they did my blood ran cold and I start getting my stuff together, standing up to leave.

Fitz grabs my arm before I can do so. "Hey man, where are you going?"

"Sophie," was all that I say, then leave our small group. I walk fast, unsure of exactly what I should be looking for. I couldn't be sure that Dexter was anywhere on campus, especially since if the girl was Sophie, he had likely gone with her in the ambulance.

Wracking my brain, I try to think of somewhere that I could get the information I need. When I finally thought of the office, I was on the move. I wasn't really welcome in the office, which was why I never normally use the place, but in this case...it was a last resort for something urgent.

I push through students to the office, going straight past the small lines of students waiting for the receptionist. I am more than sure that I am interrupting, but this is necessary. Even if no one in the office is a fan of me in the least.

"Excuse me," I cut in, my voice rising over the person talking to the receptionist's. "I need to know if Sophie Foster went to the hospital earlier today."

The receptionist instantly narrows her eyes, no doubt displeased with my interrupting her so rudely. "Who's asking?" she asks snappily, frowning at me.

I can feel everyone in the office's eyes on me. I can feel the rumors this is going to start. I can feel the gossip that's going to fly around the school because of this. "She's my soulmate, please," I say, my voice breaking on the last word. She fit the description perfectly.

The receptionist immediately puts down the file in her hand. "She did, I'm sorry."

"Which hospital?" I don't bother with her condolences, just needing to know about Sophie and what happened to her.


I'm out the door before she can finish the words. I run a hand through my hair, making a run to my car. I bump at least ten students on the way there, apologizing hastily as I get into my car as fast as I can.

When I get to my vehicle, for once I don't stop to admire how flashy of a sportscar I'm driving. I just get into the car, turn on the engine, and back out fast.

I need to get to her. I need to make sure that she's okay.

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now