13 | Fanboy

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Enjoy Sophie's version of the encounter and one of my notorious plot twists...MWHAHAHA [i swear i'm not that evil, but at the same time maybe i am...] xx

Chapter Thirteen – Seventeen

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Chapter Thirteen – Seventeen

S o p h i e  F o s t e r

I'm sitting in the cafeteria with Dex, as usual when he walks up. Dex notices before I do, since my back is to where he's coming from.

"Sophie, there's some guy coming this way," he hisses under his breath, eyes flickering to something behind me.

I turn, not expecting anyone.

The first thing I notice is all of the attention we're getting. People whisper, girls and boys alike as he makes confident strides towards me. He must be popular. Does he want our table?

When he asks if he can sit right next to me, I immediately shoot Dex a look and get up to move. The blonde boy beckons me to sit down again, a flicker of panic flying across his face.

As he proceeds to explain why he's here, my heart thuds in my chest. He describes the same nauseous feeling I have right after mentioning that he's the one that picked me up and brought me to the nurse's office the other day.

I don't even know him, and I'm in his debt.

Apparently, Nurse Livvy was wrong; his name is Keefe Sencen, not Killian. The entire time he is talking, I see his eyes watching me. If it were possible, they were scorching me with heat all over my body. I could see the gentle longing behind his actions.

When our hands touch, all I can feel is my nausea slightly dissipating, filling in with contentment. I still feel slightly nauseous, though. I wonder if he feels that, too. I try to pull away, overwhelmed, but he doesn't let me, instead pulling his hand up to his lips to place a gentle kiss on the back of it. He looks me in the eye while doing so, as well. He wants to gauge my reaction. The reassuring motion makes my heart flutter as butterflies fill my chest. I feel like a love-struck schoolgirl.

Maybe I am, but the love part might come later.

Jeez, I'm definitely getting ahead of myself.

By the time Keefe leaves, he's already promised to pick me up for school tomorrow. When I started to tell him he didn't know my address, he only winked and told me that he had his ways.

I assume he's leaving to go tell his friends that he found his soulmate, judging from his excited face. It was kind of cute.

I glance at Dex as soon as he's out of earshot for his opinion.

"You two already need to get a room," he says, rolling his eyes. But adds as an afterthought, "I suppose I do ship it, though. He seems sweet so far. Slightly too flirty, but sweet."

"Ugh, stop being such an overprotective older brother," I groan, playfully laughing. I can't help but feel a little bit weird, though, since there was once a time when Dex had a crush on me. He was technically my first kiss. I don't regret that, though. If there was anyone other than my soulmate, I'd want my first kiss to be with, it would be with him. Our friendship is strong despite it all. It is in the past.

"Can't help it," he grins, starting to pack up his stuff.

"I should tell Maya about him," I mutter softly under my breath, hearing my best friend making a humming sound of agreement. Then my playful smile returns? "What's our ship name, fanboy?" I tease.

If there's one thing about Dexter Dizznee that you'd want to be wary of, it was his fanboy side. He went nuts over anime, chick-flicks, rom-coms, and everything he could. But I knew his most deeply guarded secret: he was a Brony. I remember when he'd first told me, I had made sure to tactfully not laugh, but then gone home and laughed for like an hour as I pulled up My Little Ponies and tried to picture him as one of them. Imagine your geeky guy best friend singing friendship is magic. It was just too good to be true. But I loved him regardless.

He scratches the bottom of his chin exaggeratedly, eyebrows furrowing as he thinks. The evil smile gracing his face makes me even more wary of what he's going to come up with. I feel the anticipation rise within me as he finally meets my eyes, "It's either Sokeefe, Sophike, or Keefoster."

"I'll ask him which one he likes the most," I heard myself saying as a slightly dizzy feeling occurred in my temple. The nausea was returning. Maybe I should go find Keefe and see if he can make it go away?

The bell rings, and both Dex and I gather our things to go.

As soon as I stand up, particularly with the rest of the extra weight, I know I'm off-balance and I should sit down again.

Unfortunately, I don't get the chance to as I feel my legs give out on me. I have just enough time to think Not Again before my head collides with the floor for the second time in the past week and everything goes pitch black.

This time, though, I can feel the pain even in the darkness for a small moment before I fall completely unconscious. And it's much, much worse.

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now