02 | Meet the Group

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Again, this chapter is kind of more of an introduction - next chapter is where it really starts up. Your kind and supportive comments and votes mean the world to me <3

 Your kind and supportive comments and votes mean the world to me <3

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K e e f e   S e n c e n

I meet with the group before class starts, about an hour before.

Scanning faces, I sit down in the courtyard, next to my best friend, Fitzroy Vacker. Neither of us have found our soulmates yet, so we remain the two that girls swoon over in the group.

Fitz (if you call him Fitzroy, well, he holds a mean grudge) is good looking, I'll admit. He's kind of a jerk when it comes to girls, though. He's a cocky jerk and thrives as the captain of the soccer team. Together, we make up the two popular 'bad boys' of the school. Stereotypes, man. Somehow, he still manages to maintain good grades. His green eyes and brown hair don't at all go with the permanent scowl that generally sits on his face during school hours.

Biana's currently twirling her hair on the bench, gossiping with her soft-spoken proclaimed best friend, Linh.

Truthfully, Biana was currently probably only sucking up to Linh because she was her soulmate's twin. Oh, well, she would come around eventually – she always did.

Yeah, that's right. Our group has two sets of twins in it, and one twin from each set was paired together in a match.

Linh Song was a rather quiet girl. She and her brother, Tam, were really only in our group because Tam was Biana's soulmate. Biana Vacker's soulmate could never be an outcast, and where Tam went, Linh went too.

Linh had soft black hair and blue-grey eyes that were the softest shade any grey could ever be. She was a good listener, and more mature than someone her age could be. While Biana was gorgeous, and her presence demanded attention, Linh was intriguing, and beautiful in the subtlest way. The ends of her black locks had been dyed metallic silver.

My gaze slipped to Tam Song, her brother and fraternal twin. The ends of his black hair are dyed dark red, a look almost no one can pull off, but he rocks it. He's bold, loves to style his hair, and is the dark brooding type. He and Biana are almost complete opposites but are somehow a perfect match. He's currently staring at her with a soft almost-smile reserved for her or his sister.

A loud huffing sounds as Marella rushes over, sitting down on the bench next to Biana and Linh. Her naturally blonde locks (much to Biana's protesting) had been dyed purple. She's Biana's best friend, just as sassy and feisty. Her steely personality over top acts are her shield. Her grey eyes gleam as she takes in the surroundings. "Started without me, huh?"

"What were you doing that made you so late?" Biana countered, looking to where her best friend was sitting.

"I overslept," Marella rolled her eyes.

I couldn't help but notice the way Fitz leaned closer when he responded. "Isn't a smart girl like you setting an alarm every morning?" His flirting was subtle, but he'd been set on having her for all too long.

She tutted in response. "Isn't a smart boy like you sleeping in?"


"That's what I thought," Marella said haughtily, pursing her lips and crossing her legs. She was all too aware about Fitz's methods on getting girls and had confided in the rest of us that she wasn't going to be another notch in his belt.

Linh changed the subject before an awkward silence fell over us. "So, anything interesting going on for you guys?"

A chorus of "ehh" went around.

Biana, of course, took the chance to seize our attention. "I bought this gorgeous dress the other day – I'll definitely wear it to Prom."

"Geez, that's coming up already," Tam muttered, looking protective over his sister. He'd never been too eager over dances, but now that Biana was determined to go, he knew that he would be there, too.

I shrug. "If I don't find my mate by then, there's no way I'm going."

Biana screeched in protest. "You have to go! It's the biggest night of our senior year – well, other than graduation, of course."

Linh nodded. "I don't think there's any worth in going without our mate either, no matter how big a tradition."

Marella shrugged, "I'll be on the dance floor looking gorgeous and single and so ready to mingle. You guys will be missing out."

Tam laughed. "Yeah, right."

"We should get to first," Fitz noted absentmindedly, gesturing to the crowd of students streaming in.

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now