BC | The Least

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This is either the last or the third to last bonus chapter. I haven't decided yet. If another BC goes up in the future, know I'll be doing five. If not, this is it.

Before we start, I'd like to say that the external link in this chapter will go to resources to help those in crisis all over the world, including #BlackLivesMatter. Even if you are young, you can do things like sign petitions, volunteer for Black-owned businesses, and donate by watching YouTube videos. Jacob Blake was the most recent victim of police brutality, and his injuries are just another reason why we need to keep fighting for this cause. Thank god he's still with us today. I'd also like to quickly pay tribute to Chadwick Bosemen, who passed away yesterday. He is a true king. Rest in peace.

I'm not quite sure what put me in the headspace to write all of a sudden, but here we are. In all honesty, my motivation to write hasn't come naturally in a week or two. It's partly because both school and field hockey have started up, so I have less time, but it's also because I haven't felt super inspired in a while. This post comes from a place of Korean Drama aftermath, inspired by Mo Wan Soo from Graceful Family, as well as the general atmosphere I've gotten from the end of the show. The finality, if you will. If you're into Korean Dramas and haven't watched Graceful Family, I absolutely recommend. I finished this morning.

I'm not sure how many of you all have read my short story, Stina, but this bonus chapter is going to be something along the lines of that, this time centered around Keefe's father. Many of you said that as an improvement for the story, I left a bit of a plot hole where Keefe and his father's relationship was. I completely agree. This is hopefully insight into Cassius Sencen's side of the story, and will at least somewhat clarify some things. I'm pretty proud of how I've written this, specifically because I think I captured everything well for 1000 words. This isn't going to be a fun, cute chapter, but I'm hoping that it will at least be interesting.

[Also, sorry about the tense and person switch. I'm still in TBF writing mode, so I just ended up writing it this way. I think it compliments the detached feeling this piece had going on anyways, so. ]

I hope you enjoy! I know that I've been rather absent from Wattpad as of late, but I don't think I'll ever totally ditch you all. I miss you. Let me know how you've been doing in the comments and comment lots! I miss reading your comments so much ❤️

 Let me know how you've been doing in the comments and comment lots! I miss reading your comments so much ❤️

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Cassius Sencen

Cassius Sencen had never been one to cooperate. He was self-aware enough to know his limits, knowledgeable enough on how to push them, and smart enough to be an owner of an international conglomerate that controlled the world. He was a force to be reckoned with, and he knew it.

There was just one thing he didn't know how to deal with: people. Humans weren't simple. In business? He knew how to get what he wanted. But there were was one person that he could never figure out how to manipulate in the way he wanted, one person who he didn't understand. That knowledge was beyond Cassius Sencen's grasp.

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