34 | Not Kiley

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Business meetings are always boring, always the same, and always a nuisance, in my opinion

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Business meetings are always boring, always the same, and always a nuisance, in my opinion. If I ever told my father that was how I felt, I would get slapped (not that I haven't already almost been disowned), but that's the truth.

The stupid meeting is meant to be for four hours, because it's with a lot of important people who think it's 'significant' that they all get together. And by 'get together', I mean to show off, of course. Why else do you think I would be dragged along? To actually do something useful? Of course not.

I don't even know why he bothers anymore, honestly. I'm not much of an achievement. I mean, sure, maybe I look like a model, but other than that what's he want to show off? The amount of detentions I've gotten.

Everything about this place is bland, from the walls, to the extravagant glasses and food to dine on. I mean, it sparkles, but it's boring. I'm used to it. Whatever. This place just makes me feel the need to throw up.

"Keefe!" A voice snaps me out of my daze, and I look up from where I'm leaned against the wall to see my father, his immaculately cold face graced with a cold smile. Uh-oh.

"Is there something that you'd like?" I ask, my tone no less than bored.

He gives me a snide glance in response. "I have someone that I'd like you to meet, son."


My father steps aside, revealing a girl my age. She's pretty, don't get me wrong, but my snob radar goes off the moment I see her. She's totally decked out in Gucci, flashing it everywhere. Her nails are sharpened into points (they look dangerous, like claws) and her black hair is bedazzled with curls and golden ribbon.

She doesn't wait for me to start the conversation, admiring her nails briefly before she looks up through her lashes, biting her lip. I can tell it's something that she's performed many times over in a mirror, meant to have my attention hooked. Her hip pops out at a dangerous angle, and for a minute I'm worried that she's going to break it or something with how unnatural it looks. "It's Kiley."

She couldn't possibly exert more of a desperate vibe. I want to throw up in my mouth.

"That's nice, I didn't ask," I say bitterly, completely uninterested. She's nothing like Sophie, and everything about her makes me just want to get away from her.

"Keefe!" my father scolds, his cold face forming a line where his mouth should be. "That's not the way to talk to a lady. I was especially hoping that you two would be able to hit it off. She's the next heir to Fensa Corporations, haven't you heard?"

My phone rings in my pocket, and I ignore my father, fishing it out to see FOSTER calling. I look up again at my father and Kiley, greeting them with cold eyes and a smile. "If you would excuse me, I've got to take this," I tell them.

I don't wait for a response, answering the phone as I walk off. "Foster," I greet. "What's up? Are you okay?"

"Come pick me up at school?" she asks, and I sense something wrong.

"I'm on my way," I say, and she hangs up on me. My feet rush towards my car, and I get in, starting the car and driving off. I'm worried for her, but part of my mind is occupied with my father's indiscreet request. I hate that there's more on my mind than Sophie. My stomach churns, feeling nauseous at the idea of having to date Kiley.

It's not long before I get to the school, stopping and getting out of the car. I text her, asking where she is, and she says that she'll be out front in a minute. I wait for her. The bell rings and students come flooding out of the doors, going between buildings. Within the mess, she finally emerges, spotting me. She looks paler than normal.

"Foster, are you oka—" I start to ask her something, but I'm taken off guard when she sets her stuff down and throws herself into my arms. I hug her back the best I can, my muscles relaxing at her touch. The nausea I was feeling earlier disappears at her touch.

I hold her for a minute, then move back a bit so that I can talk to her. Forming thoughts can only be done when her head isn't against my chest. "That was quite the greeting, Foster. I mean, I know I'm hot, but seriously."

Sophie swats at me, her pale face filling with color. "Stop it, you. I've been feeling nauseous the entire day because I hadn't seen you yet."

Ohh, so it wasn't Kiley. Or not completely, anyways.

"I'm sorry, I've been at a business meeting that my father dragged me to," I say, rolling my eyes at the thought of him. "I only found out last night."

"It's fine," she dismisses, "let's just get out of here."

"Ooh, what a rebel, skipping classes isn't like you," I snicker at her, but open the car door for her as she gets in. Once she's in, I close it and make my way into the other side, getting in myself and starting the car.

I pull out and look at her. "Where are we headed, Commander Foster?"

"Somewhere to eat," she mumbles.

I take her to a nice restaurant. We eat some (all on my father's tab, of course), and then I take her home. It ends up not being such an awful day after all.

When I call her to say goodnight before bed, she informs me that Edaline wants me over for dinner tomorrow. I go to sleep, happy and glad that everything's okay for now.

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now