38 | Candy Crush

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it's a lil' short, but i wasn't lying. it was coming. swear.

btw idk if i ever told you guys, but this new cover is courtesy of skimmilk11 and i'm so thankful for the beautiful cover set i got from them.

also, does anyone else hate my banners? it's almost the end of the story and i've decided that i hate them. i make banners for my other account as well, and the ones i have for To Be Female are just gorgeous compared to the opaque dirt you see here. happy freaking monday.

 happy freaking monday

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With her, it's easy.

I sneak a glance to my right, wondering what she's thinking about. I'm thinking about her, the way I always am. Is she thinking about me? I want to know what's on her beautiful mind.

My fingers dangle in the air next to the steering wheel, empty and useless. I don't want to hold onto the wheel, I want to hold onto her. I think that I read somewhere that acknowledging in a moment that you'll miss never feeling that way is one of the most nostalgically bittersweet realizations you might ever have. It's moments like there where I wonder what more someone might need.

Her eyes are fixed on the window, one arm propped up on the leather side. Her gaze is lost in the way you might lose a message bottle in the ocean – stormy and unreadable. Even when we're just driving through town, she's nothing short of gorgeous.

With a start, I realize that I haven't even asked her to be my girlfriend. It's so tempting to just trust and have faith in her feelings, particularly when we're soulmates, but I do allow myself to wonder for a second exactly how she feels about me. Exactly how she feels about this.

I guess I'll have to ask sometime.

Her eyes swing back in my direction, and I quickly look away before she can see that I was staring. She hums. "Where are we headed?"

"You'll see."

I can tell that she's pouting the moment I hear a small hmph coming from beside me. Cute.

I reach out my fingers and grab hers, entangling them together. I've never done this before, but I'm thankful that I'm doing it with her.

We finally arrive at our destination, and I tell her so with a grin. She offers me a skeptical eyebrow but follows me out anyways. I can almost taste the palpable surprise on her face when she notices where we are.

"K, an arcade?" she murmurs.

"You'll like it," I promise, dismissing her doubts. I grab her hand again and then we're off. The first thing I do is challenge her to a game of whack-a-mole. "Live a little," I tell her with a crooked smile, handing her a mallet.

"I'm gonna beat your butt, Sencen," she warns, sending me a good-naturedly determined look.

"Sure," I tease, and the game starts. Sophie and I have a lot of fun playing every game in the arcade until closing hours. She beats me at a good amount of games, but I manage to win at candy crush, so I consider myself victorious.

We head to my house afterwards, order pizza, and hunker down. We both decide on Wonder Woman. By which, I mean she chose it and I decided it wasn't worth the fight for The Hunger Games. I didn't regret my decision.

We both ended up crying our hearts out over pizza and blankets. But it was a good movie. I decided that it was definitely worth it when Sophie somehow managed to fall asleep wrapped in blankets. I took her to my room and got her on the bed before texting Edaline a picture, asking if she could stay the night. When I got the go-ahead, I smiled, then set up my things on the couch.

Overall, it was a good day, and I couldn't help but think that as I stared at the ceiling, smiling at the soft little snores coming from somewhere on the bed.

It was a good day.

Then I rolled over and fell asleep myself.

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now