46 | Special

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Fun Book Fact: This chapter and chapter 47 were originally written as one chapter. The same goes for the next chapter and chapter 49, which is officially our last chapter. If you've got spare time, read them in a row & let me know how that goes for you. Since you guys liked spacing chapters out so much, I figured that instead of two chapters, I'd split them into four because it feels...quick.

How are you guys doing with the quarantine? I agree, being inside sucks so much. I'm kind of going insane without human contact. Ugh. Hopefully you guys are doing okay. Please make sure that you get all of your information on coronavirus from a good source and wash your hands. If someone tells you that you're being ridiculous or I'm being ridiculous, a gentle reminder that  there is no cure. be responsible and keep you & your family safe. love you guys x

P.S. I might post a chapter halfway through this week. We'll see.

It's almost crazy to me when I think back and realize how much my having cancer effected my everyday life

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It's almost crazy to me when I think back and realize how much my having cancer effected my everyday life. Since finding out that I was cured, I had felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Now, I see my family members and friends laugh more easily than they had before, and I find myself doing the same. I used to always wonder if Keefe had ever held back because of my having cancer. It was one of my bigger insecurities regarding the sickness at the time. I'm only now realizing that it was just me being silly. He doesn't act any differently around me than he did before. Maybe the only difference is him smiling and laughing more freely. I've witnessed myself how our exhaustion and burden had been lifted. I no longer see the eyebags underneath his eyes, and the slump to his shoulders.

Time's certainly passed, and life's gotten better, hasn't it?

I smile to myself, putting the object in my hand down before I set aside a slice of cake for him, humming softly. I'm not sure anyone in the room knows I'm doing this. I mean, my parents do, but everyone else is in for a surprise.

My phone lights up with a text from Keefe. Be there in ten minutes, love:)

I smile at the sweet message, my eyes lingering at the end of the sentence. It always stuns me a bit that anyone would ever be able to love me wholly and accept all of my strange quirks. Keefe and I say things like I love you now so casually that it doesn't seem unusual. But that in itself is something so special to me.

That's why I'm doing this, I remind myself, fiddling with my fourth finger. I love him more than my entire world. If I were to ever leave this world, the person I would miss the most would definitely be him.

Sometimes it's scary to be so dependent on one person. Any extreme action they do could make or break your day. Every time they look at you and you can tell how they're feeling, knowing that you'll always be there for you and you for them...it's special. I can't imagine a life without Keefe, truthfully.

I check the time, the decorations – everything. It all has to be perfect, and when a single thing is out of place I correct it, smiling at everyone.

I invited a lot of people here tonight. I invited our friend group, Keefe's father (it took quite a lot of convincing for him to come, mind you), my parents, the entire football team (do I regret that? Maybe a little) and even his bodyguard, Ro.

Turning around, I clap my hands together, facing everyone and successfully getting everyone's attention. My nerves are practically bubbling over. "Thank you guys so much for coming! This is going to be such a special night for Keefe. It will mean the world to him that you're here. I really appreciate everyone in this room also working to keep this as a surprise. I know it's a huge secret to keep but thank you. Keefe should be here in five minutes or so, so please quiet down and get ready. If you haven't already, grab a party hat and a horn from the table, or a confetti popper. We're about to get this party started!"

Cheers arise, mainly from the huge football crew as everyone rushes to get what they need. I give everyone two more minutes to get situated before I turn off the lights.

Anticipation hangs heavy in the air as we all wait patiently, nervous giggles floating around the room. Luckily, we don't have to wait long. Footsteps sound outside coming up the steps. The doorbell rings, echoing throughout the house.

It takes a minute for him to realize that no one's answering the door. He calls out, "Hello, Foster? Anyone in here?" It's another minute, and then, "I'm coming in!"

I just have time to catch Grady's amused face when the door opens. I see Keefe's face and flick on the lights.

"Happy birthday!" everyone shouts, smiling and cheering. Obnoxious horns sound and confetti poppers pop. I even think that there's a kazoo somewhere in there.

Keefe's face is so priceless I wish that I had my polaroid camera on me, or that I'd filmed it. He drinks in the sight, his eyes scanning over the crowd until he lands on me. "Sophie, did you plan this?"

I nod shyly, holding out the piece of cake that I got him with a fork. "Happy birthday, Keefe."

"This is unbelievable, thank you," he replies, taken the fork and cake after he puts down his flowers. I didn't even notice that he had flowers but trust him to bring flowers to his girlfriend on his birthday.

"Yeah, of course."

Keefe grins at me, probably feeling our emotions through the soulmate bond. I have no doubt that my expression is telling him everything that I'm feeling right now. "What, you nervous I wouldn't like it, Foster?"

I blush hard. "Just shut up and eat the cake, Sencen. I baked it myself from scratch, you know."

He digs in immediately after the words escape my mouth, biting and any letting out a small moan, supposedly at how good the cake is. "Mmm, Foster. This might taste better than you after drinking hot chocolate."

I'm telling you; he's really trying to make me blush. He thinks it's funny.

Keefe enjoys the sight of my red cheeks with the cake, claiming that they compliment each other better than anything he's ever had together. It's only until halfway through the cake that he hits something hard and metal.

"Foster, did you drop a spoon in the batter and bake it?" he asks, licking the frosting off of his lips while he digs out the small piece of metal that made the thunk noise. It takes a second for him to clean it off before he registers what it is, his jaw dropping open.

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