19 | Take Care

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Earlier today I got my hair done purple. I have an entire head of purple (with dark hair, so it's subtle and you can't see it unless I'm in the sun for the most part) and it's got streaks. Anyone else have a really cool hairstyle? Mine isn't anywhere near close to Meghan Rapinoe's, but if anyone asks maybe I should say that it was inspired by hers, haha. I've been wanting my hair dyed for ages ;-;

So, I've been thinking. If I made Keefe's character in the cast HRVY do you think that I should've made Sophie Loren Gray? Thoughts, please. I almost think Danielle Bradbery suits her more just because she seems sweeter, whereas Loren seems like a bit more of a fighter. Idk.

Remember, green is Sophie and red is Keefe. That's how you tell who's perspective the chapter's from. That said, this is a long-awaited one from Keefe. We've had three consecutive ones from Sophie, so I think that it's about time. I don't want to spoil it, but this chapter is the fluffiest so far and also the longest chapter so far by 500 words. Let me know how you like it.

It's like 11:30 PM for me right now for me. You hear that? I'm sacrificing my sleep for you guys ;P

As always, thank you guys a ton for the immense amount of support. If you're interested in some other completed stories done by me, take a quick scroll down my profile page or some of my original stories on surreal-syllxbles :-)



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K e e f e   S e n c e n

After I tell Grady that I'm his daughter's soulmate, even Edaline is surprised. Both of them pause, blinking and looking at each other.

"You're Sophie's soulmate?" Edaline asks softly. She looks at me warmly, intently. The way a mother would. "You'll have to come over for dinner at some point."

Her husband doesn't seem to agree, instead looking at me, assessing me in a way that can only make me feel self-conscious. She reaches out for his hand, grabbing it and squeezing it.

"Mr. and Mrs. Ruewen?" a nurse comes out and heads over to our little group. "Family is now allowed to see Sophie, if you'd like me to show you to her room."

I almost protest as they walk away with the nurse. I know soon-to-be family doesn't exactly count, but I'm worrying out of my mind. I want to be part of her family.

I glance at Dex, who looks equally impatient. I feel like I've gotten closer to him, just by standing and waiting with him. I want Sophie's best friend to like me. I'm glad we at least somewhat get along. It needs to work long term.

"Do you think she's okay?" I wonder aloud, almost asking him for confirmation he can't give.

He frowns. "Finger crossed."

It's a tense silence for half an hour until Edaline comes out of the wing, heading straight over to the desk to fill something out. She seems tired and stressed, her eyes a little glassy. Shortly afterwards Grady comes out looking sadder than he used to be, holding his daughter's waist daintily, like she's going to break. She doesn't look like she needs the support, but he seems persistent.

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now