BC | Game Night

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This is a bonus chapter from Keefe's perspective (I know you guys wanted more of his POV). What are you guys's favorite KOTLC ships? LGBTQ+ absolutely accepted.

Thanks for 100K on Seventeen - this is insane. I never thought I would be able to hit such a huge milestone (this soon, at least) and it wouldn't be possible without you. I love you. This means the world to me. Truly, I feel like I'm flying ❤️

PS. I made it extra long for you guys. How's 1722 sounding to you? Hopefully this is a fun read for you all:)

 How's 1722 sounding to you? Hopefully this is a fun read for you all:)

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Bonus Chapter: Keefe's POV – 1st Person

"You're coming," Biana ordered, giving me a stern face. I threw a look to Fitz on my right, one that clearly said dude, your sister's so demanding to which he shrugged back. I sighed, sitting down on the couch next to my fiancé.

Wow. Fiancé. Still gets me everytime.

Sophie grabs my hand and squeezes it supportively, sending me the type of smile that immediately makes me forget all about Biana. Even in the dimmer lighting, I can make out the way her blonde curls cascade down her body and the way she's curled into blanket – smaller, but not less present.

"What are we playing?" Dex asks from her other side, his cheeks slightly coloring as he looks at the Vacker siblings. I've never been able to make out which one he's been looking at, and Sophie has never mentioned anything in particular.

Biana frowns, sitting up straighter. "What do you guys want to play?"

"You didn't have any idea of what we were playing after you practically ordered us here?" her brother scoffs, giving her a pointed look.

Marella throws him a dirty look, shutting him up. I think it's hilarious to watch the power she holds over him and how badly he kisses up to her (not literally). She's quick to defend her best friend. "Leave Biana alone, it's not her fault that she had to fight so hard to get you lazy people over here," she says.

"Guys, can we just be civil and start the game?" Linh asks quietly, looking at her brother beside her for support. She's sitting across from me, her legs in the perfect criss-cross applesauce as she leans against the bottom of the recliner behind her. To her right is Wylie, her newly discovered soulmate.

"Yeah, let's stop arguing and decide," Tam says. I swear, between Bangs Boy and Water Girl, there's some sort of twin telepathy going on. Seriously.

Biana plasters a super sweet smile to her face, practically blinding us with her charisma. "Yes, let's. Anyone have any suggestions?"

"Twenty-one questions!" Foster calls out voluntarily, probably so that we don't end up playing Truth or Dare, the fandom's *cough*, sorry, wrong word, the group's (or should I say Biana's) all-time favorite and most played game.

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