17 | Upside Down

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It's still not quite the way I want it, but it's a lot better than it was two days ago. I hope it was worth the wait. I did my best. Let me know what you think of it.

Thank you guys again for the immense support you've shown me. People commented in response to what I said yesterday that I'd never known had been reading. You guys never fail to surprise me in the best ways.

I hope you're prepared for this chapter. Because this is the big 1 7. You're not ready for this. I swear. You can't be.

The dread feeling grows in my stomach, the longer I wait and sit there

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The dread feeling grows in my stomach, the longer I wait and sit there.

Maybe my collapsing and nausea weren't normal things. The doctor, Elwin, had scared me with his words – despite even his best efforts not to make a big deal out of it. I know better than to think that there isn't something wrong with my body here. I'm not naïve. I know that what's going on with my body isn't normal.

My mind drifts to Dex, who brought me in. I hope he isn't too worried about me. Have my parents arrived here yet? I mean, Grady hasn't busted anything down yet, so maybe not.

The thought makes me smile briefly.

But it disappears as another thought comes to the first and foremost part of my mind: Is Keefe here? Does he know I'm here? Is he worrying about me?

I hate that right now I want him here to make me feel better. I need a hug, and I crave the comfort of Keefe's touch. A hug from anyone would make me feel better, but a part of me just wants him here with me.

Is it the fact that we're soulmates, or is it me? I'm not even sure which one I want it to be at the moment, never mind which one it is.

They always say that love is a beautiful, magical thing. I want that – whatever it is. I want to experience that, to know that. Could I have that with Keefe?

I get distracted by the cold when the air conditioning turns on. Goosebumps rise along my skin. I feel so nervous right now, awaiting something unknown to me. I wish I weren't here, doing this by myself. I don't want to be alone right now, but I am.

I steel my nerves for about ten minutes, bracing myself for the news I'm about to hear. I can only hope that there's merely a small complication before I can get back on track with my life. Nothing serious, nothing big.

I'm hardly breathing when he walks into the room. The vibrating noise of his footsteps sets me on edge. All of me feels like I'm holding my breath for what's to come. It's probably not all that healthy, but I clearly haven't been paying attention to my health anyways.

I can't tell if I feel faint from anticipation or blood loss at this point.

When I see his expression, my heart drops. Something instantly lodges itself in the back of my throat. All I feel is dread.

"Well, I got your results back," Doctor Elwin says rather awkwardly. His expression is sad, and his previous playful tone hasn't left any remnants in his voice. He looks at me like he pities me, and it only makes me feel worse about what's to come. I can tell that he's hesitant to say anymore as he watches me carefully for my reaction.

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now