23 | Ride

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It's almost nine PM for me. Ya girl's over here on that writer grind trying to get out some consistent content for you guys. How about you? What time is it & how are you?

As promised, a shoutout goes to AnuBanu18 for guessing the correct number of chapters that this book currently has: 50 chapters. No clue how you guessed it, considering that it's just a number, but congratulations! This is kind of unrelated, too, but I know that you've been a long-time supporter and have been super supportive of my other series, PWF and my other account. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you a ton, even if I can't find the time to give every supporter of mine a shout-out. I notice you & I want to let you know that I really appreciate your time and your effort. I hope you have an amazing day!

I actually have another shoutout going to ASokeefeShipper because she made me freaking FANART! I know! I'm so excited, dude it looks so amazing. It's currently posted up at chapter three of this book because it goes with that particular chapter, and I literally can't believe how cool it looks. I love the art style, I just think it looks so good. Make sure you guys go check that out:)

For anyone that's interested, Sunflower Crown has been converted into an account book to keep everyone up to date on some more things content-wise and ask for some reader opinions on things in the future.

This chapter's actually a longer one, so enjoy! Drop a vote and a comment or two to make my day today & tomorrow:) Love you guys <3

When I wake up, my first thought is: where's Keefe? It takes me a moment to remember that he left yesterday so that my parents didn't catch him, not that it mattered

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When I wake up, my first thought is: where's Keefe? It takes me a moment to remember that he left yesterday so that my parents didn't catch him, not that it mattered. For some reason they never came home last night while I was awake. They must've gotten home late.

I rub my eyes, yawning and reaching over to my nightstand to grab my phone. As though reading my mind, it buzzes, warning me of an incoming text. I smile when I read it.

Morning, gorgeous, a new number appears, with a smirking face tagged onto the end of it. I instantly know who it is, considering that it's such a Keefe thing to do, not to mention that we exchanged numbers last night.

I edit his contact so that it says Keefe Sencen with a heart tagged on to the end, then reply. Morning, Keefe.

I quickly wash my face, shower, and get dressed, making sure that I have all of my books that I need for school today. Then I unplug my phone and walk downstairs, happy when I find both of my parents in the kitchen preparing breakfast before they go to work. "You guys got back late," I remark.

Edaline glances up immediately at the sound of my voice, making a face. "The car broke down, Sophie. You're going to have to get a ride with a friend to school this morning. We've got to uber for a little while, just while it's at the dealer."

"Oh, okay," I say, taking out my phone and scrolling down through my messages as I think of who to ask. I want to ask Dex, but he lives so far away from me that it would be inconvenient, and there isn't enough time for him to drive over and get me. Then my eyes go to the top of my contact list again, where the last person that texted me's name sits.

Keefe. I could ask Keefe. Would that be weird? I know he has a car, and we didn't meet all that long ago, but I really need a ride and I don't really have any other friends.

It takes me a minute to judge whether or not it's worth calling him and facing Grady's wrath, but in the end I know that I can't miss school again. Besides, it's not like I'd be opposed to seeing my soulmate.

I call his number, letting it ring as I watch Grady help Edaline with pancakes. My parents move around the kitchen fluently, as a unit, and it's nice to see how well they know each other.

He picks up. "What's up, Foster?"

"Oh, uh, my parents' car broke down and I need a ride to school. Do you live on the way?" I ask, fidgeting as I hope he says yes. I don't want to be a bother.

"I live about fifteen minutes away from you, if that's what you're asking," Keefe replies casually. I suck in a breath. Before I can tell him that I'll just find another ride, he says, "I'll be at yours in fifteen, hang tight," and hangs up the phone.

It takes a moment to register that he just hung up on me, but when it does I bring the phone down from my ear and stare at it.

"So, did you find a ride?" Grady asks, pushing a plate of toaster waffles out in front of my usual spot. He gets out a fork and some syrup for me, then begins on serving himself and Edaline some.

"Yeah, I did," I tell him, then stuff my face with waffles before he can question me some more and find out I'm riding with a boy that's not Dex. I devour them in ten minutes, about to do the dishes when my phone vibrates with a text.

I check, and sure enough, it's Keefe. "My ride's here, I have to go," I tell my parents apologetically, kissing each one on their cheek before grabbing my backpack and heading out the door.

I race out the door and down the steps, hesitating, then deciding to put my backpack in his trunk before stepping into the car. "Thank you so much," I tell him breathlessly, buckling my seatbelt, then beaming up at him.

"Anytime, Foster," Keefe replies, turning his head to see if any other cars are coming while he backs out. "If you ever need a ride, call me. I'll come pick you up wherever you are."

He's so sweet. I can't help it, and my heart just beats harder in my chest. "Okay."

"So, you ready for school?" he asks, making conversation as he navigates the road. Even so, I can feel him glance at me every now and then, making me blush.

"I'd love to be sleeping right now," I say in response, putting my hair up in a high ponytail while I reply. "You?"

"Is anyone ever ready for school?" he jokes, rolling his eyes. "I don't know, we'll see how many detentions I get for skipping yesterday."

I give him a pointed look, which he catches. "Hey, I think it was time well spent," he protests, smirking to himself.

"Time well-spent," I echo.

"You can't disagree with me, we were cuddling," Keefe says pointedly.

The comment brings even more blood to my cheeks. I resist the urge to pull out an eyelash, knowing that Dex is going to want an explanation as to what went on yesterday. Not that I have to tell him Keefe came over, but still. He's my best friend, I should, right?

"No, yeah," I say, a second too late. I wince as I realize this, sneaking a look at Keefe to see if he noticed.

Luckily if he had, he didn't visibly show it. "Is that a yes or a no?"

I pause, trying to think of a way to put what I want into words without being offensive. "Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with you, but studies are important and will always come first. We have to get into classes somehow. So while I love that we, uh, cuddled, I would have loved it more if it weren't during school."

"Fair," he says, and then we're pulling into school.

I suddenly am disappointed that I live so close to school. I only live around ten minutes away from it by car, twenty by foot.

We both get out of the car, and I look over at Keefe. "Thank you for the ride," I say awkwardly, then, "I'll see you later during art." I almost go to hug him, then I realize how many students are staring at me getting out of his car and whispering. I decide to wave at him instead and walk away as my cheeks flush red from all of the attention.

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