33 | Chance

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helloooo there again

Sorry, I can't come pick you up for school today

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Sorry, I can't come pick you up for school today. Have a nice day at school, tho.

I glare at the message, as though it disappearing will make things magically better. It doesn't, and I sigh, texting Dex for a last-minute ride. Something probably just came up if Keefe can't pick me up. I'll likely see him later.

I'm ready to go when Dex pulls up, honking at me to get into the car. I oblige quickly, hurrying to say goodbye to my parents and race out the door. I get into the car with my bag, setting it down on the floor.

My best friend owns a Toyota Camry. It's not as nice as Keefe's car. I wince at the thought, all too aware of how privileged I am to get into that car every morning. I miss it now.

"Hey," I greet Dex.

"Hey," he says, starting the car and pulling out to start driving. It takes me a moment to realize that he's got all three of the triplets sitting in the backseat, staring at us. I blink, then turn back around.

I think all of us are too tired to talk. It's silent in the car, save for the soft revving and giggling of Bex in the backseat. The drive goes by fairly quickly, and we're at school all too soon.

My body slumps as I get out of the car, already feeling exhausted an hour into my day. I thank Dex and tell him, "I'll see you later." I take off for class, walking by the crowded hallways of students in my own head.

Lately I've been more tired than usual, something I blame on cancer. I don't want to admit it, but it's taken a real toll on me and my everyday life. The appointments are constant, and my hair is thinning out to the point where I need to where a hat. The stress wears on me, and it's in times like this where I can feel it. Some days I don't feel like going to school, but I push through it regardless.

Today just happens to be one of those days.

I think one of the key reasons that I'm not feeling my best this morning in particular is because I didn't end up seeing Keefe this morning. Talking and touching your soulmate is a widely known source of comfort, ease, and stress-reliever. My body is confused by Keefe's sudden absence, and it shows in the slow stiffness of my movements. I can't wait until I get to see him later today.

By the time lunch swings around, I realize that he probably isn't coming to school today. I find myself walking over to his friends, impatient at the thought of not being able to talk to him until tomorrow. I approach the table as discreetly as I can, knowing that it's the popular table and one that people like to gossip about. "Do you know where Keefe is today?"

About five heads turn my way. The pretty girl from last time, Biana I think, answers. "He wasn't in class? Are you sure that he isn't skipping?"

Her skeptical reaction makes me want to be anywhere else than where I am. I duck my head slightly, letting the few blonde curls I still have hide my face. I guess I'm really coming off as a desperate, clingy soulmate. "I'm sure."

Her brother, Fitz somewhat saves me from the awkwardness. He's supposedly Keefe's best friend, so when I see him open his mouth I hope that he has some type of information. Luckily, he does.

"No, I think that Sophie's right, Sis. The school contacted my parents yesterday and told me that I should collect Keefe's homework from the office afterschool and drive it over to him, as well as catch him up on anything he missed during class." His gaze slides over to me. "If you want, Sophie, I can give you a ride to his after school and you can help catch him up?" The smirk on his face and the certain look in his eyes unnerve me, but I nod in reply anyways.

"That would be great, thank you. I guess we could meet up at the office afterschool, then?"

"Sure," he says coolly.

I give him one last nod before walking away from the table. My palm feels bare without being pressed against Keefe's. I crave the normal comfort and support that he usually provides me with.

I have the rest of my lunch with Dex. It's the way it usually is, just without Keefe. It's only after lunch that I start to feel a strange feeling in my gut.

I make it through two classes after that. Just knowing that I'll see Keefe at the end of the day helps me get through it.

In the middle of the third class, my stomach churns, and I feel the urge to puke. I quickly ask to use the restroom and grab a hall pass, racing down the hallway to the bathroom. Once I'm there, I stand next to the toilet for ten minutes, breathing deeply and trying not to throw up.

After ten minutes, I decide that I'm not going to throw up, I just feel nauseous enough to think that I might any second. I get out of the stall and glance in the mirror, noting how pale and sickly I look.

Should I go to the nurse? I know that my teacher has probably figured out that I wasn't feeling well.

My hand subconsciously makes its way into my pocket, and I grip my phone. I pull out the device, unlocking it. My eyes drift, then lock on my home screen, a picture of me and Keefe with his arms wrapped around me and a smile on my face. I'm laughing, my hair everywhere, and Keefe has his signature smirk present on his face. The only thing that gives away the fact that he isn't just teasing me is the way he's looking at me, his eyes fixated on my face.

My soulmate, Keefe.

My fingers tap until I find his contact and click the small phone icon beside it. My phone starts to dial, and I hope with all of my heart that this nauseous feeling is what I think it is.

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now