Hakuna Matata, Foster

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Just a little snapshot of both everyday life for Sophie and Keefe when hanging out together. In a way, it reflects what I hope to have in the future. I also wanted to experiment with more dialogue/text type of writing for a little bit. I thought that since I wasn't necessarily going to be able to bring you a full update, I might as well give you a little something to make up for it. A full chapter will be coming this weekend. Evidently, I need to revise my plot again. I hope you guys enjoy! x


"Keefe?" I asked into blank space ponderingly.

From my peripheral vision, I saw him look up, his blond curls swinging in front of his eyes before he brushed them away. He was sitting on my bed, scrolling through his phone. He put his phone down and said, "Yeah?"

I crossed my legs, fiddling with my hands as I tilted my head to the side. "Do you think that this will all ever be over?"

He sat up, his gaze meeting mine. "I think so. I think that we'll get through it."

A smile played on my lips. "Will we now?"

"We will."


Another moment of silence passed. "Why do you ask?"

I paused, considering the question. "I don't know. It's reassuring, I guess."

"I get that," he said softly, his ice-blue eyes staring intently into mine. "I mean it, though. I think you'll get through this. I think we'll get through this. And then no more worries."

I laughed. "Hakuna Matata?"

He grinned. "Are you above stealing from the Lion King, Foster?"

"Absolutely not," I declared, giving him a rather innocent-looking smile.

"Ooh, what a criminal," Keefe said, smirking. "I think my bad influence has rubbed off on you."

"Maybe," I shrugged. Then, "Is that such a bad thing?"

"You decide."

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