04 | Death by Coach

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i couldn't really think of another chapter title? hopefully another chapter will be up sometime this week to makeup for the long delay. honestly this doesn't feel like an amazing chapter. it's not really interesting, i guess. if anyone's got constructive criticism for me i'd be happy to take it. love you guys xx

[btw everyone go listen to saddest song by alec benjamin on youtube. his new demo is like the most vulnerable, beautiful song ever i just can't ohmygod]

 his new demo is like the most vulnerable, beautiful song ever i just can't ohmygod]

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K e e f e   S e n c e n

"Yo, Keefe, what up," Fitz chimed from over my shoulder, flashing his signature grin (much to the delight of all of the girls and a few boys in our immediate proximity).

"Nothing much," I drawled, casual as ever. I caught another girl checking me out and winked at her, knowing that she was sure to go home to her friends and gossip about how I was totally in love with her and we were meant to be together.

"Where you headed?" he asked me, flipping his hair and proceeding to fix it by finger combing it into tousled perfection.

"I've got to pick something up from the art room. I'll meet up at the fields," I remarked.

"Cool, bro, I got someo-uh, something quick I can go do right now," Fitz said with a smirk. "See ya later."

I shook my head at him with a small smile, knowing exactly what he meant. Always a sly one, my best friend. I turned and headed off towards the art classroom, ready to collect the painting supplies the teacher had told me I could take home to finish the project.

On the way, I passed Stina, Valin, and Maruca hanging outside of the library. If we were the popular group of the school, they were the troublemakers – in no good way. They weren't jokesters or class clowns, only there to bully and make other students' lives living hell, as though school wasn't enough. Generally, our groups steered clear of each other. Even so, any member of my group could likely get them to stop and leave if needed.

Ducking into the art classroom, I set my backpack down, going straight into the cupboards for the paint, palettes, and appropriate brushes. Once I'd done so, I sighed, staring at the big pile of paintings that mine was in. I would have to remove every painting carefully, since some were going to still be wet and I couldn't afford to let someone else's painting get ruined. "This is going to take a while."

I went to work, spending a good ten minutes of my time carefully sorting through the pile. Once I'd found my painting, I piled everything back on, making sure that the room wasn't a mess before I left, closing and locking the door.

A gut feeling almost tugged me down the wrong hallway, heading towards the parking lot. I stopped for a minute, wholeheartedly considering taking a detour before the sports locker rooms. I shook my head, getting out of the trance as I turned. I couldn't be late without a valid excuse; Coach would have my Hair.

A thump audible from a long ways off stopped me. I hesitated for a second, before following the sound down the hall with all of my things.

I cautiously tiptoed down the hall, not sure what was going on. As soon as I turned the corner, I froze, seeing Maruca kick a small blonde girl in the head with her pointed boot. I winced, watching as Valin looked at the girl, who was now bleeding in the head from the blow. "Need a hand, Soph?" he asked tauntingly, holding out his palm for her to take. I knew he had no good intentions.

Backing away around the corner, I took off all of my backpacks, knowing I needed to help the girl, whose name I had deduced was Sophie. I stored all of my things in the nearest open classroom, propping the door open slightly to make sure it didn't lock on me.

By the time I got back around the corner, she didn't look great at all.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" I shouted, startling the trio of bullies.

Sophie's eyes were glazed over, and she was looking hazy on her feet. Her eyes fell shut, and I rushed forward just in time to catch her as she collapsed to the ground, nearly hitting her head again.

The moment I touch her, an electric feeling makes the hair on my arms stand up straight, startling me. I don't have time to dwell on it, though.

Stina sneers, gesturing for her minions to move away from us. "You're lucky you got here in time, pretty boy. Next time maybe she won't be so lucky."

I caught Valin's eye as all three of them turned to go down the hall, both of the girls swinging their hips in the most teasing manner. Something about Valin unnerves me more than the two of them, even Stina, the ringleader. His eyes are just dead black.

Puffing out a breath, I turn away from the trio sauntering down the hallway, looking down at my lap. I shake her lightly, resisting the strong urge to pull her closer to my chest. "Sophie, can you stand for me?"

No response.

I shift her in my arms, scooping her up bridal style as I tuck my arms under her legs and shoulders. When her head falls back as a result of being unsupported, I grunt, moving my arms so as not to make her head injury any worse. Hopefully.

As soon as I'm on my feet, I take off for the nurse's office, counting hallways. A sense of adrenaline and urgency runs through me as I move as smoothly as possible through the school. Sophie's going to have a concussion, at the least, and I can't afford to jostle her more.

For a body, she feels rather light, allowing me to move faster than I had thought. She's a skinny little thing, from what I can feel just from supporting her weight.

I round the bend, heading straight into the nurse's office.

"Nurse, she hit her head hard," I burst in, authoritatively loud.

I was greeted by silence. "You've got to be kidding me," I mumbled, setting Sophie down on the bed as softly as I could. Of all times that the Nurse could not be in her office, why now?

I scanned my surroundings, thanking my father [for once in my life] for forcing me to get medical training. I ran for the bandages first, wrapping her bleeding head. She didn't look like she had any other injuries, as far as I could see. I wasn't about to start undressing her to look, though, so nothing was confirmed.

A short glance at my watch on my wrist made my heart speed up, and I cursed under my breath.

The Nurse walked in behind me. "What are you doing in here?"

"Hurt student," I managed, gesturing to her. "I think her name's Sophie, but that's all I know about her. She's probably got a concussion – I found her with a nasty head wound. Would you mind writing me a late slip for soccer? Coach is going to have my head."

She nodded, quickly grabbing a pink slip on her desk and jotting something down. She handed it to me. "There's your late slip. Off you go."

I nodded, thanking her before my legs flew down the hallway for my stuff.


Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now