44 | Breathless

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Consider this Forever part 2. Some might say that this is a long-awaited chapter. We've only got a few chapters left in this story to go, so treasure the last few while you can. Hopefully they don't disappoint:) x

The first thing I did after getting out of The Healing Center was get on the bus and head for Keefe's

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The first thing I did after getting out of The Healing Center was get on the bus and head for Keefe's. I showed up on his doorstep, glowing. I ringed the doorbell, brimming with excitement.

After what seemed like eternity, the door opened to reveal my soul, casually dressed in a tee and sweats. "Sophie?"

I didn't even wait for him to let me in or question what I was doing here, instead choosing to launch myself into his arms like a human cannonball, lacing my arms around his neck and pressing my head to his chest. He was the first one I wanted to tell. "Keefe..."

When I finally pulled back, he raised an eyebrow at me, opening the door wider to let me step into the house. "Foster? What was that? Not that I'm complaining or anything."

I smiled, laughing a little, then looked down, then back up at him again. My eyes were watering with happy tears, relief and joy reveling in the feeling. My brown eyes met his blue ones. "Guess what?"


"I'm off chemo and I'm probably completely and totally done with cancer!" I almost squeal, just barely catching my dignity before I do so and start jumping up and down. Somehow, saying the words out loud really cements the situation, and it almost feels surreal to say something I've only dreamed of saying.

His jaw almost drops. "You're joking," he accuses, his eyes wide and an incredulous expression on his face.

My eyes are watering so hard right now. "I'm not, this is really happening."

It takes a moment for this to set in for him. I can tell his mind is spinning with possibilities, the huge, crooked smile growing on his face as he thinks. Then his eyes come back to me, locking onto me, and he looks at me in a way I don't think I've ever seen him look at me before.

"What?" I ask, but I don't have time to question it.

He grabs my shirt and yanks me forward. In another situation, that might hurt a lot, but with us standing so close, it was more of a tug. And a tug it was.

My hands go straight to his chest to steady myself on him, and he catches me, an arm looping around my waist and an arm making its way up to cup the back of my head. I don't have time to comprehend how strange our position is and what the heck what he thinking because all I can feel are his lips on mine for the first time ever and the sparks shooting through my body as I kiss him back.

I'm kissing Keefe Sencen, my soulmate, for the first time ever.

I lean into him more, my hands sliding from its place on his chest to around his neck, pressing closer. The kiss is gentle, drawn out a little, but gentle in the best way possible. It's a little longer than a chaste kiss normally is, until he pulls away, both hands dropping to cradle my waist as he rests his forehead against mine.

We're so close that our breaths are mingling, and I can feel my heart racing at least a hundred times an hour. For a moment, it's calm silence, just our breathing, just us.

I feel dizzy in the best way. Like all the air has been sucked from my lungs. Now I'm just here, breathless, unable to think, only to feel.

My eyes raise to his, and I meet his gaze with my own, unflinchingly in the present with him. Just in the time lost in his gaze, I decide that you know what, whatever. I might as well be a little bit more breathless while I'm at it. I take him by surprise and pull him closer with my arms, leaning forward a bit and taking back his lips like they were mine in the first place.

By the short second it takes him to return my small, chaste kiss, I easily determine that it's not necessarily a move that he expected. I feel him smile against my lips, not bothering to pull away and waiting for me to do it instead.

When I do, he releases me, and I almost stumble back a few steps. This time, a little more breathless than before. It takes me a moment to refocus my mind and concentrate on something other than what just happened. When I do, I catch his gaze.


Keefe stares at me intently, his eyes swimming with an emotion I can't distinguish. "You're something else, Sophie Foster."

The distance between us tempts me, but I stay rooted to my place, a smile playing onto my lips. "That's good to know."

He shoots me a look in response. "There's no need to be sarcastic now, Foster."

"Are you kidding? There's always a need for sarcasm," I say. I glance down at my wrist like there's a watch, but there's nothing there. "Hmm, I should probably get going to tell my parents."

Keefe steps forward so that there's not so much space between us anymore, holding out his arms and pulling me to his chest. "I told you that everything would be okay, didn't I?"

I listen to his heart, recalling a previous conversation regarding my cancer. That felt like it was ages ago. Of course, there's a chance that cancer will come back. But here in his arms listening to his heartbeat and feeling more alive than ever, I feel the sudden need to believe him – not even necessarily for his sake, but for mine. "That you did."

He gives me a forehead kiss before pulling back, smiling as he goes to get the door. "Go tell your parents now. And make sure you drive safe – you sure you can think clearly? You're practically bouncing."

I wave off the air like they're his concerns. I know he's only teasing. "I'll be fine, Keefe."

"I'll see you later."

I move to step outside when his voice stops me. I don't turn back to respond. "Definitely."

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now