27 | Happy

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It's kind of a long chapter. I think I outdid myself this time. I hope you guys enjoy. Vote & comment tons. A Halloween bonus chapter will be posted tomorrow in YCBA.

I also changed the cover. Let me know what you guys think of the new cover.

 Let me know what you guys think of the new cover

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K e e f e   S e n c e n

I don't think we should see each other.

Her text hangs at the bottom of our messages, a desolate chain of words with a final period punctuating it all.

I want to hit something. I want to punch a hole in the wall. I want to yell at someone. Instead, my finger presses the call button for the fifth time, desperate for her to pick up.

I wait as the sound of my phone dialing resumes once again, running my hands through my hair anxiously. Please pick up.

The line goes dead, again. I hear a beep.

"Please leave a message at the tone."

Another beep.

I'm desperate enough to say something.

"Sophie, what the hell?" I start off with, then wince at my tone, but continue. "You can't just send me that text and not pick up the phone. What would ever make you think that we should stop seeing each other? I don't understand. I –"

My voice cracks for a moment, betraying my frustration and anxiety. I don't care to continue. I hang up on her for the last time, pressing the red button and dropping my phone on the bed.


I can't lose her.

I reach for my phone again, checking the time she sent the text. 6:30.

It's 7:18 now. It's been more than half an hour and she hasn't been responding to her phone. I've called her five times now. There's no way that's a coincidence. She's doing this intentionally.

But why?

My frustration increases yet again as my hands fist at my side. I don't know why, and it's driving me insane. Did someone tell her to do this? Did I do something?

Before I know it, I'm storming out of my house with my car keys with the full intent to drive to her house at this hour. I jerk open my car door, sliding into the seat and starting the engine.

I haven't thought this through fully, but how is overthinking going to help me in this situation? How will it be able to make this situation better?

I don't know what's right and what's wrong right now, I just want to get to Sophie and ask what I did to make her feel like she had to send that text.

It's about a fifteen-minute drive from my house to Sophie's. I bear the trip in silence, pulling in at 7:36. I get out of the car, going straight to her door and ringing the doorbell, my heart beating hard in my chest as I hope I don't have to interact with her father.

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now